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polynesian kingdom of atooi

Lets all focus our energies on supporting the established avenue for the emergence of the Hawaiian Kingdom. IMUA! ), police arrested four men for misdemeanor assault, and one for suspicion of harassment. The Navy crew coming ashore probably happened after it was already inevitable. But certainly poorly written. Mahalo! This category in the U.N. helps any organization who applies to interact with other countries and or groups for the purposes of environmental, social and economic development issues to gain understanding and We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. We come in all walks of life, i.e. requirement for a treaty of cession. Hawaiians were literate in two languages versus Americans did only one language. We have possession of our homeland to any person, institution or governing body. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions. Do you know where i can find a copy of the Annexation between the U S and the H K?? doctors, lawyers, judges, cops. All I have to say, they are the ones that will have to answer our ancestors when that person hala and then our creator. Any date you pick to revert to will have all its own inherent unfairness as land was routinely taken from people and reallocated at the a new Kings whim. dropping a great number of consonants, and in discarding entirely the nasal ng, the g, and k.. We are left to wonder if the events of last week had occurred at any other government agency, would the response by authorities have been the same.. Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money! All Polynesian languages were once a single language spoken in a single place. The men were part of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, a Kauai-based organization that one of them, Ene Faletogo, describes as the descendants of a royal lineage that predates King Kamehameha I.. I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. It is a Union of 9 Polynesian Islands who signed an agreement with Dayne as the Poo of this Union to honor and support the human rights, civil liberties and political autonomy of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi recognizing its right to peacefully exist in perpetuity. This agreement is self-created and is neither a historical or significant document. PKOA membership shall not maintain that the United Nations regulate their cause, purpose or convictions as a Hawaiian group or nation. I find it somewhat ironic how you said When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. You are doing the exact same thing that turns you off when you said Hawaiians assert. As a reference, please read History of Polynesian Languages by Yuko Otsuka, Much Thanks to Dr. Sai for helping to set the Record Straight:) Always lifting you & your family Up in prayer:), Mahalo Dr. Sai for Recognition THAT ALLI NUI IS WHO HE SAID HE I dont know if he is really a kanaka from ancient times but dane or whatever his name is looks like a mickey mouse show. PKOA for the Launch of the Atooi Currency and its video. PKOA does not hold a consultative status. They held people against their will.. shows everyone. Lets not forget the poor folks who followed Sais advise only to lose their homes to foreclosure for failing to pay their taxes. Sorry to the faithful readers of this site, I just had to let loose on the phony GROUPS and individuals out there! Definition of GENOCIDE It helps to research other dialects of Olelo Maoli, to better understand the Hawaiian. against Hawaiian nationals under international law? The Island of Kauai will once again become the free and independent Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (the Light of God in our native language), as a self-governing entity and sovereign nation. The Kingdom is a good start, and can be a vehicle for more local control by all the people of Kauai. video was so disgraceful, Hilahila! Dayne says he is the great-great-great-grandson of King Kamehameha III and as the new Ali'i Nui, or King, of The Polynesian. His group is an NGO/Civil Society observer status equivalent to a standard of the Boy Scouts of America. The people did have a voice. 779 Followers, 86 Following, 187 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI (@atooi_nation) atooi_nation. Business Insider spent more than a week in Hawaii with Aipoalani, also known as Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani. In other words Their actions can be considered treasonous. Hawaiian sovereignty is considered the third rail of politics, and media, I suppose. One thing different in the case of the OHA-Atooi incident is that other mainstream Hawaiian leaders and organizations came forward later to publicly condemn the assault on OHA headquarters. Talofaalohamihihia taku teina. Maybe something like that? With a history like this, it is not surprising that a Hawaiian sovereignty movement remains committed to reclaiming rights and land for native Hawaiians. The United States government therefore has the legal obligation, civil duty and moral imperative to restore the kingdom to its rightful heirs and owners. have it or they dont. Yes or No. Always am amazed at the way you keep things pono. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file. As Governor of the State of Hawaii, we expect that you will be directly involved in this matter and we hope to work with you in a cordial and cooperative manner. I believe that and am glad that we have Keanu at the Hague dealing with this Just thought I had to say this and hope everyone have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Aloha.. Devide and Conquer. They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". Jokes aside, Mr gonsalves cannot claim to be king of hawaii through the line of kamualii! They are descendants of Hawaiian subjects and any attempt to form their own Kingdom and to claim lands that belongs to the Kingdom that is still in exile may be construed as an attempt to unlawfully replace the Hawaiian Kingdom or to usurp their authority. Again, a very small number of people (including hoalie businessmen and complicit Hawaiians) controlled the events leading up to the takeover. The Complaint further alleges that HPD has refused to return Plaintiff's Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi driver's license. It's been 3-1/2 years since a dozen men wearing red shirts identifying themselves as federal marshals from the Kauai group known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, stormed into the main office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assaulted at least two OHA employees and threatened others, and announced they were there to seize the agency's assets Nonsense. By the way when you see his majesty Burger King tell him to hold the pickles and Ill be by to pick up my crown later!!! There are a lot of GROUPS yes GROUPS (no one wants to be defined by the G word) out there that will recall that Hawaii was at one time a Hawaiian Kingdom, yet for some reason cant get pass the fact that weve all been duped, the joke was played on us! Furthermore, arguing about who conquered what is laughable, as ancient Hawaii was a place of near constant war and conquering. Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. I think youre over simplifying things. The Union Jack on the Hawaiian flag represents the long standing friendly relationship with Britain. U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. 3,084 following. Third rail indeed. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs was stormed by 13 people said to be with the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi on Thursday. Mahalos .remember up at NEW YORKSO FUNNIELOL. from looking to close at a GPS system, he no read Then we no need talk about each other. He gave the U.N.falsified information on his application and misrepresented to all others that the U.N. endorses him as a Sovereign and PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign and independent country. Let it go and move on. if he was in control? If he is a placement of the U.S. to confuse and divide our people then just maybe he is guilty of War Crimes. On Dec. 18, 1893, the President of Hawaiis Provisional Government, Sanford Dole, was ordered by the U.S. Government to stand down and dissolve the Provisional Government. Much of IT is all documented black and white, so although tedious, it is up to all of us, including Poo minded to continue Excluding those storylines without value, truth or integritymove on to the next and so on, until the story line has no errors and the entire world knows what is and what is not. Hawaiian rulers were just as bad as other rulers around the world that oppressed and enslaved their people. His application names his Organizational Structure as a Polynesian Monarchy as PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom and naming Te Moana Nui A Kiva as an affiliate network under the Indigenous Peoples Organizations. Enlarge Polynesian Triangle He considered the entire matter improper. The perpetrators who seized their land from the reigning Queen have never had a legal deed or unencumbered title to the land, so it rightfully belongs to the Aliis royal family even to this day. Hawaiians will be subject to the Law just like you and everyone else. Combining Hawaiians and Samoans alltogether as Polynesians. It may look like a duck, walk like duck but it is a chicken. After studying our history, I think that we need to show a tremendous amount of compassion towards ALL of our kanaka maoli brothers and sisters. I, Dayne Aipoalani, believe myself to be, and can document myself to be the Alii Nui, the rightful consanguine heir of my ancestors and as such, have full rights to ownership and governance of this native land and nation. Based on the principles of law and human decency, we believe it is our right to have returned to us what was illegally taken from us by threat of death and force. Like the Hokulea, lets be the waa that shows the world what the (TRUE) meaning of Aloha is. Please enter the email address for your account. A. This sovereign nation was illegally seized in a coup over a hundred years ago and has therefore never legally belonged to, nor been a part of the United States. This nation shall be established for the good of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein, in order to allow such inhabitants, of every ethnicity and culture, to enjoy their well deserved and divinely appointed freedoms, the ability to express their cultures, honor their ancestral lands and preserve their rights to life, autonomy and self-determination. The 9 Polynesian Islands are Rapa Nui, Fiji, Roratonga, Mangai,a, Tuvalu, Samoa, Rurutu,Tuamotu and Tonga. Dumb ass! He along with Kale and Dexter Kaiama are the fantastic three that is leading with education to and for our people. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi was launched last year when it claimed to have formed a new government for French Polynesia. It's a direct insult to the Hawaiian Kingdom nation! Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. Would title insurance actually ever pay? Now google search: kepelinos hawaiian collection, and download the PDF from UH Manoa to see how Kepelino wrote his language down. be one so the U.S. can continue its HEWA against A short film by Vincent Nicastro;Featuring highlights from the "Gathering of Indigenous Nations" in "Waimanalo,Oahu Hawaii", on Nov 8th-15th,2013.Hosted by t. You put a lot of effort into your opinion, or a Western learned view, on how Atooi came about. There are probably other schemes as well. I believe this request and declaration to restore our rightful independence and sovereignty to be supported by international rights and laws. This is the information I was looking for. How would you ever resolve who is entitled to what land given that people have intermixed to much over time. The U.S. is liable for all damages so you need to seek redress from the perpetrator (U.S.) and not the victims. We condemn the behavior of the perpetrators, who, as self-proclaimed law enforcement officers, created an environment of fear at the OHA headquarters, inflicting bodily and emotional harm on some of our public servants., Further, we denounce the atmosphere of misinformation and rhetoric that has emboldened those representing the Kingdom of Atooi to believe that the use of violence is an acceptable form of civic engagement or advocacy.. Aloha is the ONLY waa that is going to make it through the rough seas that we have ahead of use. Thats that. Iges silence is deafening. And his all powerful shiny silver badge used to stop the ferry. All pertinent documentation clearly establishes the following facts: The United States federal government defied its own Constitution by allowing and participating in the takeover of a foreign sovereign nation, and therefore has no right to what was illegally seized and stolen, i.e. Three years ago, another self-styled king in Tahiti, Athanase Teiri, was given a jail sentence for . Thank you Anu for providing a place for all of us to share our manao and get information for greater clarity. (Red flag #4) I think he may be a U.S. plant, assigned to confuse, as he claims the FBI opened an office in Kauai for his protection; from what? T in place of K is well documented as being a dialect of Hawaiian in several locations throughout Hawaii at the time of discovery. Hawaiian rulers were just as bad as other rulers around the world that oppressed and enslaved their people. Atooi has told you that they have taken the Kingdom back. Your Chaos, their Order. Hawaii was already united as a Kingdom that remains under military occupancy but was not abolished. Everybody like HAKA HAKA!! Those who have been following in every group. Video by Cindy Ellen Russell. Police were called, but did not take aggressive action in the face of the invasion. Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. Really? Kaikuaanas & kaikuahines before you comment (rationally or irrationally) do the research. The Hawaiian language was supposedly put to written form by the Americans (missionaries). Hawaiians have usually stood aside, not supporting but not publicly disclaiming actions by the various pretenders to the throne. Beats me!! President Cleveland appointed the former Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, James Blount, as a Special Envoy to Hawaii. And, a group of interest in this NGO civil society status could even be The Boy Scouts of America, thats the equivalent group category. 151 posts. The self-created agreement is a validation that Dayne is not the Poo but by inception just a unofficial Union Steward.PKOA is not recognized as a Polynesian Monarchy nor a nation by the U.N. This harm is self inflicted- Hawaiians and Hawaiian places targeted because Hawaiian issues are unresolved. We believe that our cultural heritage has been handed down for innumerable generations by our ancestors, the Alii, the customary chiefs of our people, to the people of Atooi, bestowing their blessings and bequeathing our rights to autonomy and the usage of our communal lands with its attendant natural resources of agricultural lands, mineral and metallic mines, and waters flowing upon, within and around the Kingdom of Atooi.We believe it is our right and duty to sever whatever ties we deem restrictive and destructive to our land and people, imposed upon us by a government which unfairly and illegally usurped our legitimate rights to self-governance. If he was Pono, I wouldnt blast his ass, but to see it is a full on sham formed by the united states of America to complicate things more for the kanakamaole people. Federal Marshal, Atooi, DCCA; Brigadere General 28th ROAB SAS Rangers Alii, Sir Wiremu O Terangi Carroll, KVCK Royal Order of Kamehameha I, C.K. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. We need to be educated as a people. Follow. What makes it more remarkable is that Hawaiians could not only read and write the English language they also read and write in Hawaiian. It all started 100 years earlier when a group of mostly American businessmen led a paramilitary coup to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. Hawaii News Now reported last week that a grand jury has returned felony indictments against six men associated with the self-proclaimed Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi who were part of a larger group that took part in a January 17, 2019 attempt to takeover the headquarters of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, reportedly detaining, threatening, and Kalani, where you at brah? The so-called Kingdom of Atooi is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Kauinoa or Kanaiolowalu and the classification as indians be considered a crime of mass genocide As fo da pakalolo references UFA KEFE!! Sounds like a spoof of Alema Leota in the 1970s. The circumstances by which Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. are so sketchy that Congress felt obliged to issue an apology in 1993. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs offices are on lockdown after the group Kingdom of Atooi attempted to storm into the Na Lama Kukui building this afternoon. Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. discover what he was up to was around the same moment Hawaii is a Neutral State, that is its security under international law. Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. On Jan. 17, 1893, the reigning monarch of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, surrendered the nation under duress and written protest, in order to avoid death and unnecessary bloodshed among her people. The only thing that was overthrown was the government. Though I do practice and understand if you believe in something whole heartedly to put everything youve got into it! And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. I suspect no for a variety of legal and practical reasons. But so is awapuhi Pake, and other haole laau that we use! 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polynesian kingdom of atooi