steerpike spectator identity

In factaccording to Iain Dales newlist of the Top 100 most influential people on the right he is more influential than ever, climbing up 14 places from No.96 last year to No.82 this year: A quick look at last years list will reveal that our editor in chief was on the list because of his work on Breitbart London, not because of Mr Farage or UKIP. Their unity was unshakeable, its leader unquestioned. The Steerpike persona on the Spectator was first set up to allow then-blogger-now-Sun-journo Harry Cole to file diary pieces for the mag. Hes been dropping hints that his occupancy would last only until May 2016, when Boriss second mayoral term ends. Brendan O'Neill. Will Labour suspend the Quran-gate councillor? Cancel any time. Peter Jones [Getty Images] Peter Jones. Its not just the spectre of Brexit that is haunting Westminster. Andrea Riseborough, who played Margaret Thatcher in the TV film The Long Walk To Finchley, has spread the word that her subject hadpsychopathic tendencies.; Menu; Register Log in. Fed up with Forbes, Yousaf and Regan committing news at every turn, the spin doctors at Gordon Lamb House have come up with an ingenious plan to stop their candidates gaffes, attacks and infighting being reported. No one really knew what to do, but feelings were generally negative. Is Keir trolling Boris with his next hire? I dont rule it out, Boris battles the Kremlin over Putin threats, Hong Kong row embroils Commonwealth group, Truss and Kwarteng start their own companies, Even Irans mullahs have turned on Prince Harry, Shock as the New York Times praises Britain, Boris Johnson falls victim to Grant Shapps photoshop fail, How Afghanistan erred by thinking Biden would never leave, Nuclear power: crossing the ideological divide. Not Matt Hancock. Email tips to Its not a great time to be a friend of Matt Hancock, knowing that any moment the Telegraph might splash the contents of your private WhatsApp conversations. Each one costs the taxpayer about 300 smackers. As Rishi Sunak tries to finalise a new deal on the Northern Ireland protocol, Tory Brexiteers have been questioning the wisdom of the Prime Ministers strategy. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike Unfortunately for him he is followed to their room by Flay, Doctor Prunesquallor, and Titus and is discovered with the corpses. Steerpike escapes through the window and climbs over the vast roofscape of Gormenghast, spending the night in a great stone square, before arriving by accident in the attic of Fuchsia, daughter to the Earl of Gormenghast. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Our writers hold no party line; their only allegiance is to clarity of thought, elegance of expression and independence of opinion. Political instability. So it only seems right then that Matt Hancock takes his rightful place once more at the heart of public life. I recall as a head of department this was brought up at a weekly meeting. The Spectator Australia's Morning Double Shot delivers a hearty breakfast of news and views . They said: So Mr S was surprised to learnthat despite losing his job in politics, Kassam has not lost any political sway. Character [ edit] Steerpike might be called the antagonist of the Gormenghast trilogy, but in truth he is more of an anti-hero; the first book for example is largely focused on him, only covering the first year of the eponymous hero Titus 's life. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. Is Keir trolling Boris with his next hire? His behaviour at this point shows evident signs of madness, in stark contrast to the cool and rational mastermind he once was. Mobile phone policy has been left to the states, and there the rot set in, particularly and especially as the state education authorities were notoriously lax on it. Watch: ministers considered exterminating all cats in Covid, Williamson and Hancocks schools battle revealed, Harry, Meghan and the rise and fall of the folie deux, The importance of exposing Matt Hancocks WhatsApp messages. We look forward to the Spectator correcting its story. Steerpike was first to break the news last year that the Labour leader was on the hunt for a top civil servant to become his head honcho. 9:00 AM. In fact, there was an idea at one moment that we might have to ask the public to exterminate all the cats in Britain. Chris Skidmore, MP for Kingswood, has tabled an early day motion calling for Richard III to be granted a state funeral. Matters are brought to a head when a huge rainstorm floods the castle, submerging the lower levels and forcing the inhabitants (and Steerpike) higher and higher. Dr Tom Lewis OAM taught in the high school and adult areas for over 20 years. It, Tuning into Radio 4 today, Mr S was surprised to hear a well-spoken but unlikely voice making the case for membership of the single market. Grandees attack the Guardian over its Corbyn leader, Kate Forbes: Im against gay marriage and self-ID, Trump denounces failed woke extremist Sturgeon, Boris cashes in with 2.5 million pay-day, Could Boris Johnson run for president? Still, good old Jim Bethell a veteran of the Ministry of Sound and the Department of Health was wheeled out to defend him tonight. Steerpike enrages the manservant, who throws one of the Countess's precious white cats at the youth; Flay is subsequently banished. But even that cant beat our former prime minister, Tony Blair, who wanted to bring peace to the Middle East. The Telegraph reported that he wants to 'put his public platform to good use and educate the public about political issues.'. Richard III fever strikes. Nadhim Zahawi. Who, among our bien-pensant film-making elite, could resist offering a role to the author of such a fashionable denunciation? The, Penny Mordaunt has had a good start to the leadership race, storming into second place with 16 names, even though, Boriss decision to quit yesterday fired the starting gun on the greatest game of them all: the Tory leadership race., As the news rolled in that Michael Gove had been sacked by Boris Johnson, our own Douglas Murray was on, Its not been a good day for Boris Johnson. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. He used it to create havoc by phoning the school switchboard; having friends at home call him while in a class, and generally being annoying. Still, its cheaper than placing an advert in the Bookseller. By sheer coincidence, Mr Skidmores forthcoming book, Bosworth, is to be published next year. High temperatures forced staff to close the site, Youre the American president on a visit toformer coal plant in Massachusetts. Jamie Wallis, the Member, TheTelegraphhas got hold of a zinger of a private memo currently doing the rounds on Tory MPs WhatsApp groups. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? Its a promise he has heroically fulfilled. Four pupils are reported to have been suspended from Wakefields Kettlethorpe High School after a copy of the Quran was scuffed by students on Wednesday. Daves kingly forebearwas notorious forfailing to contain squabbles between his alliesand colleagues. The fire and injury also appears to cause changes in his personality, namely a distinct fear of fire and an increasing loss of rationality. 25 February 2023. Thought-provoking commentary and opinion on politics, books and the arts. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. But dont the states control education? Around 50 per cent was the answer. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike The Spectator magazine, which is now ranked lower than Breitbart London for UK traffic, according to, has lashed out at the list compiled by broadcaster and independent analyst Iain Dale, and published by Breitbart London. Their solution? It seems that not all Tory MPs got the memo about last nights no-confidence vote. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. And in his eagerness to defend his onetime boss, the Old Harrovian made an extraordinary revelation: that the British government debated whether it might have to ask people to exterminate all pet cats during the early days of the Covid pandemic. Ancient and modern. (Along with the other things not being taught, such as literacy and numeracy in many cases.). The Finance Minister, If we hadnt heard enough about the Dumb Prince and His Stupid Wife not Steerpikes words nowSouth Parkhas, Reading some of the tributes from English luvvies yesterday, you would have had no idea that Nicola Sturgeon was anything, Stop press: Fleet Street is officially full of sewage. But that doesnt stop us letting out a collective groan when we see the same loopy opinions, Just because Boris Johnson has gone, dont expect the legal fines for Tories to go away. Johnson Snr would then fall gracefully on his sword, leaving the seat vacant for the blond bombshell to launch his bid for the Tory leadershipand Downing Street. In the red corner, its the menacing goons of Moscows Red Square. In his usual polished tones, the Prime Minister told the Today programme that: Northern Ireland has this very special position where it has access to the UK market, has access, Another troubling story out of West Yorkshire. The Sunday People yesterday splashed the news that the former Health Secretary has set up his own TV, Its Groundhog Day in Westminster. When he considers the time ripe, he attempts to kill Barquentine by fire, but botches the attempt, underestimating the seemingly frail and disabled old man. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Having cursed the Virgin Orbit mission by, Australia's best political analysis - straight to your inbox, The Spectator Australia's Morning Double Shot delivers a hearty breakfast of news and views straight to your inbox, Weekly round up of the best Flat White blogs - delivered straight to your inbox, The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London, SW1H 9HP. First, Simon, Australia's best political analysis - straight to your inbox, The Spectator Australia's Morning Double Shot delivers a hearty breakfast of news and views straight to your inbox, Weekly round up of the best Flat White blogs - delivered straight to your inbox, The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London, SW1H 9HP, Priti and Truss back MPs over Beijings threats, British Museum keeps the Chinese golden era alive, Revealed: Penny Mordaunt's hidden equalities agenda, Berkeley law professor: Your line of questioning is transphobic, Jamie Wallis fled car crash in heels and leather mini skirt, Full text: leaked Tory memo attacking Sunak, Penny Mordaunt changes tack on trans rights, Watch: Douglas Murray clashes with Alastair Campbell, Boris Johnson's five worst moments at the Liaison Committee, Watch: Tory vice chair resigns live on air, Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid quit the cabinet, Watch: Cabinet minister laughs at Boris's excuse, Pronoun badges backfire for embarrassed banks, May gives Boris a taste of his own medicine, How Afghanistan erred by thinking Biden would never leave, Nuclear power: crossing the ideological divide. A small percentage of parents are vociferous in their defence of their offspring having a phone on their person. Stanley Johnson, replete with energy and charming as ever, is touring the country looking for a safe Tory berth to ease himself intoat the next election.No takers so far, Im told,but the wily old bird has devised a brilliant ruse to boost his chances. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Recriminations! Email tips to Stefan Vinzberg portrayed the character in the opera adaptation, and he was played by Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the BBC miniseries. Its been a pretty miserable few months in Britain but some in government are hoping, The 2024 race for the White House is on. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association boasts 180 branches around, Rod Stewart has been a Conservative supporter for some time but no longer. Strange that Mr Cameron offers us no lessons from this colourful tale. His popularity is plunging, his allies have turned on him and, Ah, the New York Times. Ban the journalists. He, Congratulations must go to Alan Cumming who has today worked out what the acronym OBE stands for a mere, A big house, Californian sunshine, oodles of dosh and, of course, priceless privacy life in Montecito must be pretty, A most undiplomatic row has engulfed one of Westminsters most prestigious groups. He persuades them to set fire to Sepulchrave's Library and uses the circumstances to play the hero in rescuing those trapped inside (including all the surviving members of the House of Groan). US edition of the world's oldest magazine. The phone pestering, annoying, and interfering with others lives continues 24/7, although strangely parents often expect school to fix it. Sharing traffic penalties with your missus reduces the official number of offences committed each year. Its day two of the revelations from the Telegraphs lockdown files and todays chosen battlefield is the school playground. If someone had forecast that 30 years later every student would have one of these devices in their pocket we would have been aghast. What they should have done was to lay down the law. On the day that Titus, 77th Earl of Gormenghast, is born, Steerpike escapes from the kitchen after Swelter collapses from drink. For amusement I did a rough calculation of how many of the students waiting at bus stops, or walking to them, had their heads down, immersed in a mobile phone screen. This could have been done with a national consultative process, and indeed it would have been likely the states and territories would have been glad to get such leadership. Popular Toi Staff Emanuel Fabian Jacob Magid Lazar Berman Luke Tress Gideon Levy Ash Obel Michael Bachner Jeremy Sharon Judah Ari Gross Jackie Hajdenberg Agencies Andrew Lapin Scott Ritter Sharon Wrobel Carrie Keller-Lynn Ron Kampeas Amy Spiro Nathan Jeffay Haviv Rettig Gur Jessica Steinberg Michael Horovitz Muhammad Hussein Ramona Wadi Jon Gambrell Sue Surkes David Horovitz Bradley . A friend in the Foreign Office tells me, We might as well open a cocktail bar for recovering dipsos.. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Spectator: Steerpike on how South Park incinerated Harry and Meghan Victory At Sea - #9/26 - Sea and Sand talkTV: Mike Graham: Plank of the Week with Kevin O'Sullivan, Peter Bleksley, Candice Holdsworth, Amanda Devlin - 10/02/2023 GBNews: Nurse 'bullied and suspended from NHS course' after saying 'being white doesn't make you racist' Shes also a top-class political operator. Clarke was elected in 2019 and resigned her role as a government trade envoy last July in protest at Boris Johnsons, Theres been a sense of deja vu in Westminster in recent days, with a Tory leader under pressure on Europe from the right of his party. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike, Vladimir Putin has sold his Ukrainian war to the Russian people by trying to find the sweet spot between existential threat and reassuring distance: the Russian president portrays the conflict as a struggle to preserve the nation from a hostile West and its Ukrainian proxy, but one fought safely outside its borders. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. 10s backside. The Finance Minister, If we hadnt heard enough about the Dumb Prince and His Stupid Wife not Steerpikes words nowSouth Parkhas, Reading some of the tributes from English luvvies yesterday, you would have had no idea that Nicola Sturgeon was anything, Stop press: Fleet Street is officially full of sewage. Phones in schools should have been banned years ago, and the policy should have been one dictated by the federal government, who could have allied it to finance. Increasingly, Kyiv seems, Ukraines drone war on Russia could backfire, Watch: ministers considered exterminating all cats in Covid. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Donald Trump is in, Nikki Haley is getting ready, Joe Biden, Ding, ding, ding! Inflation. With his crimes exposed, Steerpike flees and for a short while terrorizes the castle, using his intimate knowledge of its layout and extensive passageways to evade capture. And Mark Francois, the, The Six Nations season is well underway, which means the return of the parliamentary tournament too. Having cursed the Virgin Orbit mission by, Australia's best political analysis - straight to your inbox, The Spectator Australia's Morning Double Shot delivers a hearty breakfast of news and views straight to your inbox, Weekly round up of the best Flat White blogs - delivered straight to your inbox, The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London, SW1H 9HP. Last Wednesday the Guardian published a leader, It seems that Kate Forbes stance on same-sex marriage hasnt gone down too well with some of her more socially, Its day one of Kate Forbes bid to be First Minister and she is certainly making headlines. Wanted: a chief of staff for Sir Keir. Last night it hosted the unveiling of Boris Johnsons new portrait,, It seems that Grant Shapps day has just gone from bad to worse. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? He, Congratulations must go to Alan Cumming who has today worked out what the acronym OBE stands for a mere, A big house, Californian sunshine, oodles of dosh and, of course, priceless privacy life in Montecito must be pretty, A most undiplomatic row has engulfed one of Westminsters most prestigious groups. During this period, Steerpike unintentionally causes the removal of the Earl's manservant, Mr. Flay, who had always been suspicious of him. Accusations! Can you imagine what would have happened if we had wanted to do that? Farewell then. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. Popular Toi Staff Emanuel Fabian Jacob Magid Lazar Berman Luke Tress Gideon Levy Ash Obel Michael Bachner Jeremy Sharon Judah Ari Gross Jackie Hajdenberg Agencies Andrew Lapin Scott Ritter Sharon Wrobel Carrie Keller-Lynn Ron Kampeas Amy Spiro Nathan Jeffay Haviv Rettig Gur Jessica Steinberg Michael Horovitz Muhammad Hussein Ramona Wadi Jon Gambrell Sue Surkes David Horovitz Bradley . His resultant vendetta against Steerpike becomes a key factor in Steerpike's eventual downfall. His face was pale like clay and save for his eyes, mask-like. Steerpike Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. There would be less harassment, misbehaviour, and time-wasting. Email tips to It would, Britain isnt America. Talk about letting the cat out of the bag. More than 50 Tory MPs have publicly called for him to, Has Nadhim Zahawi turned on Boris Johnson, just 24 hours after he was promoted to Chancellor? But could the fallen leader be seeking, Most Tories are focusing on the leadership race but for some there are other concerns. Whether its their ongoing Brexit coverage, mistaking a newspaper sketch writers joke about the French for Brexit bias or attempting to cash in with a $6,000 Brexit tour of London, the American papers gloomy editorial team tend [], Fact check: New York Times Austerity Britain report, Fact check: New York Timess London foodie knowledge. A lovely photo of Mr Huhne beams out over a list of Lib Dem policies beginning with a pledge to cut crime. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. A national policy should have been set down. Flicking through the papers this morning, Steerpike was intrigued to see, It seems the days of ex-prime ministers going quietly into the sunset of retirement are well and truly dead. Message discipline was rigid; disputes played out privately, away from the cameras. The so-called baby lotion strategy (Johnson & Johnson) is proving hard for constituency chairmen to resist. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike Yesterday 27. But of course students are only at school for six or so hours a day. Donald Trump is in, Nikki Haley is getting ready, Joe Biden, Ding, ding, ding! Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike, Ding, ding, ding! Theresa May has been totting up her thousands in speaking fees while Boris, Is there anyone left who likes Prince Harry? Steerpike uses his charm and fast tongue to insinuate himself with the castle's physician Dr Prunesquallor, and acts for a time as his apprentice. The Corporation has often been woker than woke, not least thanks to militant internal staff groups seemingly ready to persecute colleagues who dont adhere to doctrine on trans matters. But Mr S hears that might be coming sooner than expected . Now a military historian, his latest book is Attack on Sydney, a study of the failures in command combating the midget submarine attack of 1942. Steerpike 'Korangate' and Britain's new blasphemy rules. The great villain of Covid is China. Talking of stricken grandees suffering from curvature of the truth, poor old Chris Huhne has been so busy writing letters of resignation that he hasnt had time to amend his website. Why was EU chief due to meet King Charles? Its rumoured that he is off to join the Ukip press team but only time will tell. Increasingly, Kyiv seems, Ukraines drone war on Russia could backfire. Among the many descendants of the wonky-backed Plantagenet schemer is the current occupant of No. Brilliant! The, Boris, Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol all are dominating the news agenda yet again. From there Steerpike uses the doctor's connections to gain access to the upper hierarchy of Gormenghast. What a win for all that would be. Flicking through the papers this morning, Steerpike was intrigued to see, It seems the days of ex-prime ministers going quietly into the sunset of retirement are well and truly dead. Eventually saner thinking prevailed in the light of students competing ferociously on the grounds of fashion, and also as uniforms are a useful deterrent to would-be offenders coming onto school property. For example, almost every school now has a uniform policy, although for some years, especially in the years following the hippy movement, it was sometimes seen that students should be free to assert their creativity and so on by having a no-uniform policy. Sam Leith. "Members of Rosie Duffield's own party joined in unison with the SNP to express their displeasure at her words Steerpike" Youre ostensibly there to deliver remarks about climate, Oh dear. Is Rishi Sunaks Brexit deal all its cracked up to be? Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Increasingly, Kyiv seems, Ukraines drone war on Russia could backfire. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from London and beyond. The key actors of various Brexit-related factions have been out all over the airwaves in recent days. Williamson and Hancocks schools battle revealed, Harry, Meghan and the rise and fall of the folie deux, The importance of exposing Matt Hancocks WhatsApp messages. In the books, Mervyn Peake describes his personality as follows: if ever he had harboured a conscience in his tough narrow breast he had by now dug out and flung away the awkward thing flung it so far away that were he ever to need it again he could never find it. For years now, the worlds worst newspaper has painted a grim picture of Britain as, To the Carlton Club, that Palladian monument to power. Theresa May has been totting up her thousands in speaking fees while Boris, Is there anyone left who likes Prince Harry? Fresh off the back of Partygate , The bookies favourite to win the Tory leadership race, Penny Mordaunt, has had a difficult few days. The result would be better learning, discipline, and friendship. Not Matt Hancock. Get onto this now state and federal governments! The great villain of Covid is China. 10. But all that has now crumbled following last months trans debacle and Nicola Sturgeons resignation. He told Channel 4: What we shouldnt forget is how little we understood about this disease. If sibling Jo retains his Orpington seat in 2015, the Johnsons may become a larger faction in parliament than the Lib Dems. They are less physically active and therefore fewer kilojoules are consumed, and less muscle tone achieved. Take the five MPs who, Its been a bit of a bad week for the British Museum. It seems that the worlds wokest newspaper is in a bit of a mess of its own making., Ah, the World Economic Forum: that annual jamboree for plutocratic banksters, avaricious industrialists and superannuated spongers to come together in, Its a busy time for ex-Prime Ministers. Email tips to [emailprotected], Youd think they would have learned after last time, Its safe to say the New York Times doesnt take a particularly fond view of Britain these days. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. At present, the states control the rules that govern schools. I demand the right to contact my child at any time, and especially in an emergency! they will say. Just how many hours, let alone days, would the government have lasted if that was the case? Although he evades the Countess's forces, Titus, who blamed Steerpike for his sister's death, eventually finds and kills him. Two weeks ago the Westminster team delivered the sporting equivalent of a Section 35 order, when they beat their Holyrood equivalent 17-10 in a feisty match that saw multiple yellow cards awarded for the first time in a Commons, Some late-night Friday drama in the West Midlands. Steerpike first appears as a youth of seventeen years with an unclear past, working in Gormenghast's Great Kitchen under the chef Abiatha Swelter, whom he hates. Gossip columnist 'Steerpike' alleged that lockdown . Some 100,000 messages were handed to the newspaper by the co-author of his diaries Isabel Oakeshott. Tobias Ellwood stripped of the whip Breitbart has created a niche for itself as the home of the swivelled-eyed loons with its fiercely pro-Ukip editorial line. Actions like calling a widowed grandmother a psychopath, perhaps. And in the blue corner,, One mans loss is another mans gain and few know that maxim better than Conservative MPs. The effects of even innocent behaviour at such times are negative. Steerpike could also be considered an archetypal Machiavellian schemer: a highly intelligent, ruthless character willing to justify any and all means to reach his end. Ms Riseborough refines her semantics by adding, the term implies a tendency to not feel as much guilt about ones actions as one ought to. The race to replace her, With inflation and strikes gripping the nation, it seems that the public are not in a generous mood when it comes to the perks afforded to our political class. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. One snag is that sister Rachel claims to have devised the ploy for her own benefit and is telling friends that her dear papa snaffled it from under her nose. Last night it hosted the unveiling of Boris Johnsons new portrait,, It seems that Grant Shapps day has just gone from bad to worse. The selection committee of the Stafford Conservative Association have tonight passed a motion to prevent incumbent MP Theo Clarke from being their candidate next time around. Not Matt Hancock. Its six weeks to go until voting closes for the Tory leadership and polls suggest that Liz Truss is the, Hasta la vista, baby Boris Johnson told the Commons at his final PMQs. The school buses were everywhere in my suburb. And his appearance, as described in Titus Groan: Limb by limb, it appeared that he was sound enough, but the sum of these several members accrued to an unexpectedly twisted total. Its been quite the six months for the onetime favourite to succeed Boris Johnson. The other day I had to do a car errand at around 7:45 am. Unlimited access to the Spectator website and app. It was therefore slightly ironic that the onetime Labour MP chose to exhibit less than perfect standards when debating with her fellow panellist Isabel Oakeshott the merits of Rishi Sunaks Windsor Framework. Only 1 a week after your trial. Why was EU chief due to meet King Charles? The paper splashes on claims that Matt Hancock as Health Secretary fought a rearguard action to shut down the nations schools against the efforts of Sir Gavin Williamson, who held the Education brief, Its not a great time to be a friend of Matt Hancock, knowing that any moment the Telegraph might splash the contents of your private WhatsApp conversations.

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steerpike spectator identity