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iranian culture family values and beliefs in healthcare

Spiritual Connection means experiencing a sense of connectedness with forces that transcend the individual as a coping method to gain comfort. Conflict related to cultural beliefs within healthcare commonly arises during times of significant life change. Parents make sacrifices for children, especially for their education. Centuries of gender discrimination and segregation of sexes has created distinct roles and codes of behavior for both the sexes and many are still practiced today. Family values are important to the structure and well-being of the family. Moreover, it was explained to all potential informants that the research is part of an international study aimed at identifying the strategies patients use to cope with their illness; participation was voluntary; participants could withdraw at any time or from any part of the research without any consequences for themselves; the data are kept confidential; and the research reports have been presented and published without mentioning the participants name or representative characteristics. External Factors. And this is the way he wants to remind me. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia! Healthcare in Iran is based on three pillars: the public-governmental system, the private sector, and NGOs. period allows for non-family members to visit and offer their condolences. While some households may employ servants, others may struggle to put food on the table. interviewed women who visited the health care centers in Ahvaz, Iran, in an effort to understand the determinants of early marriage . It is a symbol of love. Cultural family values normalizing child marriage. Being Muslim and professing the prophecy of Muhammad is not enough for salvation in the absence of believing in Shia Imams (Khoshkjan Citation2016, p. 3). The Middle East consists of . The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. This work was supported by Hgskolan i Gvle: [Grant Number 7350]. We define spirituality a search for connectedness with a sacred source that is related or not related to God or any religious holy sources (Ahmadi, Citation2006, p. 7273). One interviewee, a 53-year-old woman, explained: I thought maybe I had committed sins and that this was Gods way of punishing me. Nevertheless, many parents suggest partners to their children, who then may or may not agree with their recommendation. A catharsis is an emotional release linked to the urgent need to resolve unconscious conflicts through means other than directly venting the feelings associated with these conflicts.Footnote4. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? Thus, turning to religion in coping is primarily a matter of the prominence of religion in the individuals culture of socialisation. Many Iranians have misgivings about the politicisation of Islam. Even though Iranians may consider some of these cultural customs ordinary and mundane, they are sure to raise a foreign eyebrow or two. Italy is a country located in the south of Europe. This happened in the midst of human civilization through invasions. Religious association also has powerful leverage in society. One contributing factor may be that women in Iran are often confined to the home, leading to isolation and poor domestic conditions. (53-year-old female), Hand in hand with God, we walked together on this path. The whole life, since our birth, we are socialised to believe in saints. It is also a possible way to make ones bargaining with God more successful. Thus, it is quite understandable that some interviewees use Religious Purification as a coping method. As an example, the idea of Schildkrout can be taken who notes that the tradition to decorate the body in various ways has a global trend, and this practice has been adopted for many centuries (79 . The researchers have a continued commitment to the research areas. These values are neither positive nor negative - they're just differences. Many Asian people, by comparison, have a strong belief that uncertainty is inherent in life and each day is taken as it comes. Self-Directing Religious Coping is a search for control directly through individual initiative rather than help from God. (p. 46). Outreach and education efforts by the health care community can help . As Corbin (Citation1964/Citation1993, p. 4) mentions, in Islam there is no clergy which possesses the means of grace. Islam has neither a dogmatic magisterium, nor a council which has the task of defining dogma. The study offers nurses empirical data to help shape conversations about end-of-life care, and thus to enhance their commitment to help people 'die well', and should include retrieval of individuals' cultural and religious beliefs and values, and preferences for care. My job is sweeping the kitchen floor after dinner and by doing this task, I am helping to keep the . Angela Sanchez. The first one is conversation with God and saints. It is a common belief that these actions are good actions that satisfy God and pursue Him to help them. Iranian culture is patriarchal, legally and culturally males have more rights and privileges than females. The interviews varied in length, from around one hour to one and half hours. The health beliefs of individuals have a . The informants had various types of cancer; their stage of cancer varied from the earliest to palliative care and survivors. I think one thing that helped me was to walk this path alone. Thus, secular meaning-making coping hardly has any point of connection with a traditional sacred context, but can overlap with a search for connectedness with a sacred source without relating to God or any traditional religious context. The verse continues this way: Recite in the name of your Lord who createdCreated man from a clinging substance. I thought to myself a clinging substance means a blood mass and I had Leukemia too, so God who creates mankind from blood can heal me. After that period, the family is left to . This being said, most families seek to encourage individuals to be independent. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore determinants of early . Inscriptions from the Achaemenid Persian Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) reference the kings' religious beliefs - which may have been the early polytheistic faith or the later Zoroastrian monotheism - and religion continued to play a central role in the later Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) and, to a much greater degree, in the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE) which made Zoroastrianism the state . The dynamics of relationships are significantly shaped by the reality of which activities Iranians feel safe doing in public. I strongly believe in it because it is carved into my bones. Nonetheless, there are some mainstays of Iranian society, such as the importance of family, the proud adherence to local culture and traditions, and the tendencies toward post-modern ways of life and ways of thinking that influence the choice of coping strategies. It is the same with the saints and Imams. A critical literature review, Public mental health promotion, meaning-making and existential meaning: Challenges for person-centered care of refugees in a secular, pluralistic context, Religious involvement and subjective well-being, Religion and health among black and white adults: Examining social support and consolation, Why me? Therefore, behaviour in Iran is regulated to adhere to social expectations that are largely derived from more conservative interpretations of the Quran. Role of Mother: Traditionally, Hmong mothers nurture and take care of the children. Reducing health . Families are also usually the basis for peoples social and business network. The history of the Italian people, their . August 12, 2011. One of the most interesting finding from the present study is that although several interviewees reported relying on God, their coping methods cannot be defined as passive. I know that Ive done a lot of wicked things in my life. The results of the Pearson's correlation coefficient test indicated that there was no significant relationship between professional values and age (r = 0.03, p = 0.47), while there was a significant relationship between professional values and the GPA (r = 0.29, p = 0.003).This revealed that the students with higher GPA had higher scores in professional values. We found two patterns. All leaders are expected to have a high level of academic achievement or theological education. This is called Shafaah. Deborah A. Boyle, RN, MSN. Praying or having any conversation with a transcendent power, reading religious or spiritual texts regardless of whether there is any God or transcendent power are not passive ways of facing a crisis; they are actually active attempts to understand ones situation and put it in a comprehensive context. In this respect, two interviewees understood their collaboration with God as follows: I dont believe in predestination. Another coping method in this category is Punishing God Reappraisal. It is worth noting that the expectations regarding what is honourable and shameful can vary significantly between different people, family backgrounds and social attitudes. Stigma surrounding psychological disorders in Iran often leads to isolation, as fear of judgment and ridicule creates barriers to pursuing treatment. culture and values, Nigerians progressively imbibed the white-men's way of life and values (Nwabuisi, 2000). Under it, Islamic theologians and mullahs constitute the highest ranks of leadership. We don't wish to prevent doctors from practising in line with their beliefs and values, as long as they also follow the guidance in Good medical practice. One usually turns immediately to family for assistance and may tell their problems and issues only to their family members. I never forget Him for a second. 5 Here we refer to the real believers and not to the majority of Iranians who according to the law are regarded as Shiites. Speaking up or publishing material that questions the current system can also be interpreted as anti-Islamic. We use cookies to improve your website experience. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. The study was based on qualitative research. Self-directing religious coping: A deistic god, abandoning god, or no god at all? As such, women are expected to cover up anything that could be considered an erotic provocateur to avoid unwanted public attention i.e. Naturally, in most societies religion is not the sole available resource in an individuals orienting system; there are other dimensions in life e.g., biological, psychological, social, and environmental to which a person can turn when faced with adversity. Ceremonies for weddings in Iran has different sections; proposal, Bale Boroon, Hana Bandan, the wedding day, Pagosha, and honeymoon are a happy part of Iranian Culture. 3099067 Attributions and adjustment by cancer patients, Attitude of patients living in Switzerland about cancer and its treatment, Positive psychology from Islamic perspective, Pilgrimage and its dual functions in Iranian Shiitsm, Beliefs about causes of cancer in cancer patients, Uppsala University, Department of Theology, The many methods of religious coping: Development and initial validation of the RCOPE. Ziyarat is, however, not merely a way of reaching God to ask for help. 5. He was married to a Persian princess. In fact, there are just as many ways of being Iranian and religious, as there are Iranians. We found two patterns. Family Solidarity - Intergenerational solidarity refers to the degree of closeness and support between different generations. Early marriage is a worldwide problem associated with a range of health and social consequences for teenage girls. I believe God wanted to warn me with illness and maybe death to change my life and be a better person. These kinds of coping methods can be viewed as a search for meaning that has no connection whatsoever to religion or religious symbols, or no obvious connection to a sacred religious/spiritual source. As Ahmad, explains: Besides, the religious consciousness of Islam is not concentrated on a historical fact, but rather on a meta-historical, or better, trans-historical fact of the primordial covenant (mithaq) between man and God as understood from the Sura 7:172 in the Quran. It is important for non-Muslims to understand that many Iranians generally recognise the government as the source of their complaint, not Islam. So I accepted it and was happy with it. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Vegetables are central to the Iranian diet, with onions an ingredient of virtually every dish. I did Nazr without understanding why. Iranian Culture 12 Traditions and Customs Only Iranians Will Understand Posted on 28 July 2019 As in any other country, Iran is ripe with quirks and eccentricities. Many people study for a higher education or post-graduate degree as strong respect is shown to those who have proof of expertise. MODULE 9: Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family. Even today with rampant urbanization, Iranians value nature and make every attempt to spend time in the open air. Iranian nurses revealed a unique and culture-based set of ethical values. I had learned this devotional habit in my childhood. All people may gain the prestige of a familys success or bear the responsibility for a familys dishonour. The Fatima Masumeh Shrine in Qom, Iran is one of the holiest sites for Shia M keeping to the rules to avoid attracting the attention of government operatives). This cultural content is crucial in constructing individuals identities and ethical/moral worldview, which in its turn serves as an orienting system when navigating social relationships. Iran recognises Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian religious minorities, among others. Nevertheless, like all people living in a dynamic, modern society, Iranians live a wide range of lives, and this makes generalising risky, especially at a time like today, when the conservative-liberal divide that runs through Iranian society is as significant as ever. At first glance, public behaviour in Iran is generally conservative. While it borders seven different countries, the Iranian people do not seem to affiliate themselves with the Arab world; nor do they share much commonality with those in South/Central Asia. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Most Iranian expats living in Australia are likely to have a more progressive understanding of womens rights as many arrive fleeing the harsh policies of the Iranian government. FAMILY VALUES Many Iranian immigrants in New Zealand are more westernized and secularized Im not in charge, but only God. Furthermore, ethnic minorities tend to have distinctive forms of social organisation that are sometimes more collectivistic. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient's culture. Then I wanted to read, but I didnt know how. Some people believe ziyarat has undeniable positive effects on their wellbeing, mental health and behaviour. As Willander (Citation2014, p. 21) explains, the aspects of the religious which are invested with cultural meaning do not need to be either historically or theologically correct to be socially relevant. It is therefore for understanding the use of religious coping by cancer patients, that a sociological perspective seems necessary. Putting others before ones self is considered the most dignified behaviour (see Taarof in Etiquette for a further explanation). Inter-cultural and cross-cultural competencies were made visible. Relevance to clinical practice When healthcare professionals encounter a more acculturated Hmong family in the U.S., they will likely see more balance of power between mother and father. The transcriptions were then coded, categorised, and thematised using a thematic analysis method. I told the nurse to bring me a Quran. Many people use humour to criticise their leaders through doublespeak, and share their theories of scandal and corruption with strangers. . Dec 15, 2012. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. The present article is confined to the results obtained in our study in Iran and restricted to religious coping methods. Seeking Support from Clergy or Congregation Members refers to a search for comfort and reassurance through the love and care of these individuals. Somaq: It is a Persian spice that represents sunlight. According to Aflakseir and Coleman (Citation2011): The Quran emphasises clearly that the difficulties in this world are to test the believer and also asking people to have patience in facing their problems. In this regard, a 53-year-old woman, told us: I never ask the clergy for help.. Rice and fresh unleavened or semi leavened whole-grain bread are staple starches. While this is statistically unlikely to happen, it is a consideration that affects behaviour. "Cultural family values" emerged as a facilitator for child marriage. The concepts and topics of spirituality and secular meaning-making coping also overlap, but there is no overlap between secular and religious concepts and topics. Culture, a socially transmitted system of shared knowledge, beliefs and/or practices that varies across groups, and individuals within those groups, has been a critical mode of adaptation throughout the history of our species [].Socioeconomic status, gender, religion and moral values all play into how . According to Majlesi (Citation1982) (a very important religious figure in Iran) (p. 209), the reward (savab) of pilgrimage of Imam Rezas tomb in Mashhad (Iran) is equal to one thousand hajes- pilgrim to Macca. They are also sometimes taught early that the protection of family honour also resides with them. Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. These are primarily their family members and close friends. These fundamental beliefs vary from household to household and society to society-and even from time to time throughout history. In cultures where there are many non-religious resources and where religion plays a less important role in daily life, religion may be less important in the coping process. Serkeh: Vinegar symbolizes age and patience. Seven major themes emerged: respect for dignity, professional integrity, professional commitment, developing human relationships, justice, honesty, and promoting individuals and the nursing profession. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. Iran is the 17th largest country in the world. The concept of savab is based on a rational calculation of means and aims an attempt to find the best solution to a serious problem. 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iranian culture family values and beliefs in healthcare