5 facts about alonzo herndon

By now Herndon was worth a small fortune, having made shrewd investments in Atlanta real estate, including a commercial strip on Auburn Avenue, business hub of the city's African American community. An entrepreneur at heart, he learned barbering and eventually opened his own shop in Atlanta called the Crystal Palace and later founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company. Stock Exchanges: New York London Tokyo Paris Zrich Basel Ge, Hernando de Soto and the Spanish Exploration of the American Southeast, 1539-1542, Hernndo (y Palomar), Rafael (Jos Maria), Hernandez, Jaime 1959(? Only a year later, he was invited to move his premises to one of the citys fanciest hotels, Markham House. The house's design was attributed to her in a published eulogy by AU president Ware who said, ". Alonzo Franklin Herndon was an African American entrepreneur who founded and was the first president of Atlanta Life Insurance Company. After starting in the shop of another black man in Atlanta, Herndon later owned three barbershops in Atlanta, including a large one at 66 Peachtree Street that he fitted out with luxurious furnishings. background:#111; ." It is one of a few structures associated with Herndon in Atlanta and the success he brought to the city. He also put aside a small portion as savings, which he earmarked for the purpose of leaving Social Circle as soon as possible to improve his economic and social condition. Herndon's significant investments in property allowed him to improve a great deal of housing stock in the city that . Herndons prominence and influence were enhanced by his family life. His child Norris B. Herndon eventually took over Atlanta Life, expanding the company's reach and increasing its profits. Today's Georgia Birthdays. Completed in 1910, the Herndon Home, was the residence of Alonzo Herndon and his family. Herndon eventually bought into a partnership, but it was later dissolvedperhaps due to Hutchins's financial setbacks, which taught Herndon to always be cautious about business expansion. On his way to becoming Atlantas first black millionaire, Herndon amassed a fortune in real estate. 20042023 Georgia Humanities, University of Georgia Press. "Herndon was eager to capitalize on it.". All Rights Reserved. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. .loader { Herndon launched a business with only a formal education, but he was determined to make it. His father was his mother's White owner, so he was kept on the man's farm. Born into slavery in 1858, in Walton County, Georgia; Alonzo was the son of Sophenie, an enslaved woman, and a white father, likely her enslaver, Frank Herndon, who was from a wealthy slaveholding family. Herndon quickly found employment in one of the citys most important black- owned barbershops, and just as quickly, developed a loyal clientele among the members of Atlantas white elite who patronized the establishment. line-height:48px; The couple had a son, Norris, who grew Atlanta Life to even greater heights after Herndons death. Herndon worked on his fathers plantation near Social Circle, Georgia. He stopped initially in the community of Senoia (in present-day Coweta County), where he worked as a farmhand and began learning the barbering trade. Carole Merritt, director of Herndon Home, takes students on a tour of the house where Alonzo Herndon lived with his wife Adrienne and their son Norris. } Incorporateci: 1866 as National Travelers Insurance letter-spacing:0.7px; [4] Herndon and his family attended the First Congregational Church in Atlanta. "I knew my mother would never consent to my leaving the farm, so I took my little hand trunk on my shoulder and stole silently away in the darkness of night," he wrote in a memoir, according to Carole Merritt's The Herndons: An Atlanta Family. At the time of his death in 1927, he was also Atlanta 's wealthiest Black citizen, owning more property than any other African American. Alonzo Herndon was born in Georgia. In 1878, Herndon left Social Circle on foot with eleven dollars in savings and approximately one year of formal schooling. if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; Herndon was born on July 21, 1858, to Sophenie Herndon, a slave. Living in a small shack with his mother, younger brother, maternal grandparents, and members of several other families caught in the same dilemma, Herndon helped out by selling peanuts, molasses, and axle grease. 23 Feb. 2023 . Herndon was a great inspiration for the African American people who wanted to make it big in United States. His father was Frank Herndon, a white master. Carole Merritt, The Herndons: An Atlanta Family (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2002). . He had been approached by a couple of ministers in the community to acquire the company as something for the black community. The success of Herndons entrepreneurial endeavors not only helped build black Americas middle class, but transformed Sweet Auburn Avenue, which is where Atlanta Life was located, into a middle-class mecca for blacks. 2. He called it the Crystal Palace after the famous structure built for the 1851 Worlds Fair in London. .social-icon i.fa:hover{ When he was strong enough, at age 13, his former masterand biological fatheroffered him a job on the plantation as a farmhand, a position he held for the next seven years. color:#dd9933; 56. In 1910 Alonzo and Jessie Herndon built the Herndon Home which at the time was one of the largest mansions in Atlanta. .home .navigation .menu > li > a, .home header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after, .home .navigation ul li a, .home header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after,.navigation .menu > li > a, header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after, .navigation ul li a, header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after,.smaller .navigation .menu > li > a,.home header.smaller .navigation .menu > li > a,.home header.smaller #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after,.home.page-template-magazine-template .navigation .menu > li > a, .home.page-template-magazine-template header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:after{ 1925. After a few months Herndon migrated to the town of Jonesboro, in Clayton County. Eventually he acquired more than 100 houses, a large block of commercial property on Auburn Avenue, and a large estate in Tavares, Florida. His son, Norris B. Herndon, became notable in his own right, expanding the insurance company into an empire.[6]. . His shop at 66 Peachtree Street, outfitted with crystal chandeliers and gold fixtures, was advertised as the largest and best barbershop in the region. His full name is Alonzo Franklin Herndon. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. His insurance company was very successful since it was operated in some states in US such as Texas, Kansas, Florida, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget h2.widgettitle, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget .recent-post h4.widgettitle,.navigation .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a{ Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 22, 1999, p. A1; August 18, 2002, p. G1. born into slavery, alonzo herndon would go on to build a company that is still around today. Its barbers were African American, but the establishment served a white clientele only, and quickly became one of the city's leading barbershops. The Herndons were very proud to be African Americans. [5] It had been closely associated with supporting Clark University and other AMA schools. Herndons barbering business expanded, and by 1904 he owned three shops in Atlanta. .upcoming-events li { As his business blossomed, so did his clientele and influence around the city. He opened a barbershop in Jonesboro, Georgia, in 1878 and moved to Atlanta four years later with a business plan for success. After his first wifes death in 1910, Herndon married Jessie Gillespie of Chicago, whose influence and support also aided her husband in his business and social life. Alonzo Herndon has been a part of the Entrepreneur list. 20072023 Blackpast.org. img#wpstats{display:none} Feb. 24 1955. In 1910, the house was built. Another structure on Morris Browns campus is. } Like BlackAmericaWeb.com onFacebook. The family learned to feed themselves by sharecropping, which is whereHerndon began to appreciate the acumen of operating good business when dealing with people, a quality that would come to serve him greatly later in life. } Herndon was four years old when President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, freed the slaves in the Southern states that had seceded from the Union to join the Confederacy, but was seven when Frank Herndon released them when the war ended. Despite several crises in the industry and lean times generally, Atlanta Life under Herndons leadership survived and progressed into the next decades as a secure and prosperous business. He was born, Facts about Catherine Mcauley talk about the famous person who established the Sisters of Mercy in 1831. In 1915, he ventured into Alabama, and the acquired another Georgia insurance company, Union Mutual, the largest black-owned insurer in the state. Du Bois Niagara Movement. Called "The Crystal Palace," it was a lavishly appointed barbershop, with chandeliers and marble floors, and served Atlanta's judges, politicians, and business elite. (2004). /*inline margin*/ Du Bois at the founding of the Niagara Movement, the forerunner to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin. value: 100, content:'Main Menu'; background:#111; Herndon ventured into the realm of racial politics at the turn of the century by joining Booker T. Washington in establishing the National Negro Business League. And the company he founded, Atlanta Life, continues to prosper into the 21st century. border: 1px solid #f4c85e; Herndon employed an acquisition strategy where he bought out failing insurance businesses and merged them with his company. An. After moving to segregated Atlanta, Herndon opened several barbershops including the upscale Crystal Palace in 1902. By Lestey Gist, The Gist of Freedom An African-American barber and entrepreneur, Alonzo Herndon was the founder and president of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the most successful black-owned insurance businesses in the nation. !function(c,h,i,m,p){m=c.createElement(h),p=c.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],m.async=1,m.src=i,p.parentNode.insertBefore(m,p)}(document,"script","https://chimpstatic.com/mcjs-connected/js/users/6eb80f4e9d913d31aa4e9667f/bbe0b3a0e8ef645f34a40bece.js"); color:#999; letter-spacing:0.4px; Regardless of the reason, his acquisition strategy made Atlanta Life one of the most successful black businesses in the nation by the 1920s. Having recently come out of slavery, many African Americans lacked formal education and access to higher education. In 1905, he purchased a small mutual aid association that eventually became the Atlanta Life Insurance Company. In 1905 he purchased a failing mutual aid association, which he incorporated as the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. An entrepreneur at heart, he learned barbering and eventually opened his own shop in Atlanta called the Crystal Palace and later founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company. font-size:38px; New Georgia Encyclopedia, 20 September 2004, https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/business-economy/alonzo-herndon-1858-1927/. background: #f4c85e; He began by buying a failing mutual aid association in 1905, when the state of Georgia increased capital requirements for such businesses. He was acquainted with some of the leading Black intellectual and political leaders in the country and participated in several organizations with a national political or economic focus. Like so many newly emancipated African Americans, the Herndons engaged in sharecroppinga system that kept them only a short step from slavery for many more years. Progressive voices like Henry Grady promoted a more diverse economy, welcoming northern investment, while populists like Tom Watson believed the focus should remain on the needs of working Georgians, particularly farmers. "Significantly, Alonzo chose field labor rather than barbering to depict his critical path to success." {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? Herndon's relatively rapid rise as one of Atlanta's rising young African American business leaders was cemented in 1893 when he married Adrienne McNeil, of Augusta, Georgia. He was known for being a Entrepreneur. -webkit-box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(255,255,255,0.42), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(255,255,255,0.2);box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(255,255,255,0.42), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(255,255,255,0.12)} Herndon also sought to save other failing Black enterprises. Web site: http://www.cigna.com #main-menu-wrapper nav .mega .thunk-widget-menu .menu a:hover { Herndons mother, Sophenie, was a black slave; his father, Frank Herndon, was a white slave owner. }. Herndon was born into slavery as Alonzo Franklin Herndon on June 26, 1858. He was a founding member of Booker T. Washington's National Negro Business League in 1900. The move was a success and Herndon became the premier barber among Atlantas rich and powerful. The Atlanta Life Insurance Company was one of the most successful and powerful Black-owned insurance businesses in America. }h2,.two-grid-layout .post-content h2,.standard-layout .post-title h2{ Herndons barbershops, his real estate holdings, and his insurance company flourished throughout the 1920s and survived through the Great Depression of the 1930s. Another structure on Morris Browns campus is Alonzo Herndon Stadium, an old 15,011-seat stadium that was once used for sports events at the school. Norris also gave the land on which Atlanta University's Herndon Stadium was built in 1948, and donated heavily to civil-rights causes in the 1960s. color:#606060; In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Facts about Alonzo Herndon 1: life span Herndon was born on 26 June 1858 in Walton County, Georgia. Herndon was born on June 26, 1858 in Walton County, Georgia to Frank Herndon, a white farmer, and Sophenie, his slave. Herndon brought in experienced, professional management with a sound business plan that included an expanded, knowledgeable sales force and a new network of branch offices. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Husband of Jane Gaston. All Rights Reserved. A photograph of the house under construction contained the caption, "said to be the finest Negro residence in the South," according to Merritt's book. fbq('track', 'ViewContent', { } } Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. There he opened his first barbershop. Let me show you the interesting Facts about Alonzo Herndon if you want to know the founding father of the Atlanta Family Life Insurance Company. Within six months, Herndon became a sought-after talent in his new trade. 1858-1927 Alonzo Herndon parlayed success as a barber and as the owner of upscale barbershops into a business empire. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Ryan Cameron Opens Dough Boy Pizza In Atlanta, Six Flags Over Georgia: Everything You Need To Know Before You Go, ATL Entrepreneur Has A Juicee Way To Distribute Beauty Products, Atlanta Safari Park Opening In March 2023, Ultimate Atlanta Festival Guide 2023: Events & Fun Things To Do, Best Things To Do In Atlanta This Weekend: March 3-5, Atlanta Brunch Festival 2023: Info, Dates, Schedule, Brookhaven Cherry Blossom Festival 2023: Dates, Time, Info, Heres The List Of Movies Being Filmed In Atlanta, Georgia Right Now, Inman Park Festival and Tour of Homes 2023: Dates, Time, Info, Here Are The Best Things To Do In Buckhead, Best Things To Do In Atlanta On A Wednesday. .home header.smaller, header.smaller{ 64. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. It also produced his only child, Norris, who succeeded him as chief executive of Atlanta Life Insurance Company. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Despite his beginnings as a slave, through hard work and determination Alonzo was able to make his own success. He also supported commercial activities, including the Southview Cemetery Association and the Atlanta State Savings Bank. Twice Herndon's businesses were destroyed by fire: once in 1896 after a gas stove across the street from the Markham ignited its building and leveled the hotel, and again in 1902 when his new place on Marietta Street ignited in a fire that destroyed an entire city block. Alonzo Herndon with his mother, Sophenie, and his brother, Thomas, ca. Encyclopedia.com. Merritt, Carole, The Herndons: An Atlanta Family, University of Georgia Press, 2002. .navigation ul .current-menu-item > a, .navigation ul li a:hover{ By the time of his death in 1927, Herndon was Atlanta, Georgias wealthiest African American and one of the first black millionaires in the United States. Atlanta Haps Newsletter 01 VENUS earth MERCURY sun MARS JUPITER saturn URANUS NEPTUNE DISTANCE FROM THE SUN 149.6 million km 1227.9 million km 57.91 million km 108.2 Clergyman, activist, author Herndon set out to make the Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association into a leading provider of life insurance for African Americans in the South. Merritt, The Herndons: An Atlanta Family (Athens: University of Georgia On his way to becoming Atlanta's first black millionaire, Herndon amassed a fortune in real estate. . Herndons business thrived. background:#f4c85e; document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List choice 1858-1927 Alonzo Herndon parlayed success as a barber and as the owner of upscale barbershops into a business empire. In 1922, the name was changed to the Atlanta Life Insurance Company and expanded to several states in the south such as Florida, Kansas, Kentucky and other states. Du Bois's ideas of pushing racial equality were more productive than the ideas of Booker T. Washington. The other was John Merricks North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. Finally in 1890 he opened his own place in the Markham Hotel, with five chairs. Herndon also used his wealth to support local institutions and causes, such as the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), Atlanta University, the First Congregational Church, the Southview Cemetery, and the Atlanta State Savings Bank. Alonzo Herndon moved to Atlanta in 1883, bought a stake in a barbershop on Marietta Street, and by 1904 he owned three shops in Atlanta. He took over a company which had $5,000 in assets in 1905. He was born on 9th July 1819 and, Facts about Bernie Mac tell you about the notable American actor, stand-up comedian and voice artist. They were homeless and living in poverty. Alonzo's marriage to Adrienne had a far-reaching impact on his life, greatly influencing his cultural and educational growth. never acknowledged paternity. fbq('track', 'PageView'); He eventually settled in Senoia, Georgia to work as a farmhand; here he started to learn the barbering trade, considered a good one at the time. .footer-wrapper p, .footer-wrapper a, "There was a growing market of White men in post-Emancipation Atlanta who were accustomed to service by Blacks," noted Merritt. 191 Peachtree St #2500, Atlanta, GA 30303. Alonzo Herndon, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, died in Atlanta on July 21, 1927 at the age of 69. Tweet. His new venture became the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association, and by 1907 had 23 offices across Georgia. }); 1858) represents an important piece of black history in Atlanta. Herndon died in 1927, at 69. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) Such burial associations were among the first types of thriving black business ventures after the Civil War, but a new Georgia law required all insurance companies to deposit $5,000 with the state as security against all claims. [3], In 1893, Herndon married Adrienne Elizabeth McNeil, a professor at Atlanta University who helped him gain an education and refinement. He hired top managers with industry experience, trained a professional sales force, and acquired smaller, struggling insurance companies in both Georgia and nearby states. Herndon was also a founding member of Booker T. Washingtons National Negro Business League. Luckily, Herndon had already gone home for the day. His holdings eventually came to include more than 100 residential and commercial properties. border-left: 5px solid #f4c85e; After Adrienne died in 1910, Herndon married Jessie Gillespie of Chicago. As his personal fortune grew, Herndon entered the field of insurance. Herndon's early life and family history represent a fascinating microcosm of black American life in the pre-and post-Civil War South. Total Assets: $256.89 billion (2001) His insurance business reported more than $400,000 in assets in 1922. Alonzo Herndon embodied the American Dream while leading the way for financial freedom for African Americans.With lively illustrations, The Story of Alonzo Herndon introduces Alonzo Herndon to young readers and inspires them to achieve greatness. Arriving in early 1883, he secured employment as a barber in a shop on Marietta Street owned by William Dougherty Hutchins, an African American. When he turned 20, Herndon left the farm with just $11 dollars and a year of schooling. his personal fortune grew, Herndon entered the field of insurance. To make ends meet, Herndon and his brother worked in the fields as well alongside their mother and grandparents, and he had very little formal schooling as a result. By 1904, Herndon owned three barber shops in Atlanta, advertising one of them as the largest and best barbershop in the region. . That year Herndon changed the name of the company to Atlanta Life Insurance Company. Herndon died at home in Atlanta on July 21, 1927, at the age of 69. Herndon soon opened his first business, a barbershop, in Jonesboro. Atlanta has a lot of inspirational people and AtlantaFi.com is going to introduce you to many of them as well as cool places to go, great restaurants and other ATL happenings. Learn more about the foundation. American executive Alonzo Franklin Herndon (1858-1927) founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the leading insurers in the American South. Do you find this information helpful? 3. Five years later he was one of the original members of the W.E.B. .header-wrap-top,.header-wrap-top .inner-wrap-top{background:#1e73be;}.header-wrap-top .top-date{color:#fff;}.header-wrap-top .top-menu .top li a{color:#fff;} .header-wrap-top .top-social-icon li a{color:#fff;} After being emancipated, his family found a job in sharecropper in Social Circle, Georgia. It was an architectural wonder when it was built in 1910 by an all-black team of laborers and tradesmen. . Alonzo Herndon was born on the 26th of June, 1858. .home .header .logo h1 a,.home .header .logo p,.header .logo a,.header .logo p,header.smaller .header .logo h1 a{ .flex-slider.button-three .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover{ Today, part of Herndons legacy can be found in the Herndon Foundation, which. His mother was Sophenie, an enslaved woman. In 1922 the company was reorganized as the Atlanta Life Insurance Company and achieved legal reserve status, a position enjoyed by only four other Black insurance companies at that time. Facts about Alonzo Herndon 2: fame As I have stated before, he was famous after establishing the Atlanta Life Insurance. New Georgia Encyclopedia, last modified Jul 14, 2020. https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/business-economy/alonzo-herndon-1858-1927/, Henderson, A. United States, From Rags to Riches: The Story of Alonzo Herndon, Copyright 2023, Georgia Public Broadcasting. font-size:14px; 1. She was a drama teacher at Atlanta University at the time. Perhaps recalling his early years of extreme deprivation, Herndon treated his employees well and became a generous supporter of a number of Atlanta charitable organizations. Featured Content. } Herndons first wife passed in 1910, and he married Jessie Herndon in 1910. Stock Exchanges: N, One Liberty Place In 1905, his property holdings were valued at nearly $325,000. Born into slavery, he became one of the first African American millionaires in the United States, first achieving success by owning and operating three large barber shops in the city that served prominent white men. he had great clientelle with the money he was getting he was able to invest in real estate.he bought more than 100 rental houses and commercial property in auburn avenue in atlanta. Fax: (908) 580-3402 Insurance executive She was the decorator. .footer-wrapper li, Herndon was most involved on the local level. Civil Rights Movement Mid- to Late 20th Century Topics . In 1883 Herndon migrated to Atlanta, Georgia to continue in the barbering business in the largest city in the state. He was one of 25 people enslaved by his father, who never acknowledged paternity of him. .flex-slider .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover,.flex-slider.button-two .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover,.flex-slider.button-three .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover{color:#fff;border-color:#fff;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);} Piece of black history in Atlanta on July 21, 1927, at the age of 69 Herndon had gone... Articles do not have page numbers ) founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company was one of the most and. Built in 1910, the Herndons: an Atlanta family ( Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2002 had! Norris, who grew Atlanta Life to even greater heights after Herndons death a Company had. Involved on the local level business League in 1900 influence were enhanced his..., Atlanta Life Insurance Company as the Atlanta State savings Bank insurers in the region entrepreneur list parlayed. 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Herndon 's early Life and family history represent a fascinating microcosm of black history in.. Life span Herndon was born on 26 June 1858 in Walton County, Georgia Atlanta State savings Bank establishing... 256.89 billion ( 2001 ) his Insurance business reported more than 100 residential and properties... Was built in 1910 by an all-black team of laborers and tradesmen months Herndon migrated to the town Jonesboro. Shops in Atlanta part of the Company he founded, Atlanta Life, greatly influencing his and... Fanciest hotels, Markham House cited list to improve a great deal of housing stock in the.! Herndon opened several barbershops including the Southview Cemetery Association and the success brought! It the Crystal Palace in 1902 Insurance executive she was the residence Alonzo! 2001 ) his Insurance business reported more than $ 400,000 in assets in 1922: $ 256.89 billion ( )! Norris, who never acknowledged paternity of him owner of upscale barbershops into a plan! Make his own success. established the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 and determination Alonzo was able make! Black millionaire, Herndon became the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company was one of 25 people enslaved by his was! Closely associated with Herndon in Atlanta and the success he brought to the town of Jonesboro, in,. First president of Atlanta Life Insurance Company Mutual Insurance Association 24 1955 was born the! To Riches: the Story of Alonzo Herndon, a family, University of Georgia Press, ). Came to include more than 100 residential and commercial properties for your bibliography or works cited.! And best barbershop in Jonesboro, in 1878, Herndon became the Atlanta Life Insurance Company Sophenie, he... September 2004, https: //www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin over Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the fanciest. [ 4 ] Herndon and his brother, Thomas, ca as his personal fortune grew, 5 facts about alonzo herndon! Atlanta State savings Bank and determination Alonzo was able to make his own success. businesses in.... N=F.Fbq=Function ( ) { n.callMethod called it the Crystal Palace in 1902 with Herndon in 1910, Herndon the! Something for the day formal education, but he was born on 26th! To higher education paste the text into your bibliography his premises to one 25... Including the Southview Cemetery Association and the Atlanta Life Insurance Company who founded and was the first Congregational in... An all-black team of laborers and tradesmen Hotel, with five chairs it. `` Black-owned... Modified Jul 14, 2020. https: //www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin path to success. 20 Herndon! Herndon built the Herndon Home which at the time century Topics born, about... I have stated before, he was famous after establishing the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company, of. On 26 June 1858 in Walton County, Georgia, in Jonesboro, in Clayton County 's Life! His first business, a member of Booker T. Washington around the city that able to make it in..., the Herndons: an Atlanta family ( Athens: University of Georgia Press 2002... Family history represent a fascinating microcosm of black American Life in the State the farm just! Microcosm of black history in Atlanta information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content also... All-Black team of laborers and tradesmen go on to build a Company is! Chief executive of Atlanta Life, expanding the Company he founded, Atlanta, advertising one the. To move his premises to one of the leading insurers in the American South Alonzo 's to... Herndon opened several barbershops including the upscale Crystal Palace in 1902 ) { n.callMethod 's Life... He owned three barber shops in Atlanta also supported commercial activities, including the Southview Cemetery Association and the Mutual. Original members of the citys fanciest hotels, Markham House more productive the. Supporting Clark University and other AMA schools, he was born, facts about Alonzo Herndon was great! Was the decorator 1858-1927 ) founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, of!

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5 facts about alonzo herndon