grunkle stan crimes

Coop | Comanche Chief | Hi. Later on, Stan is thrilled to help Mabel and Dipper break into the golf course while he and Soos stay on lookout. San Than | When Stan's promised free pizza is revealed to be a lie, the crowd goes on a rampage. Hugh McRae | Stanley was wracked with guilt and tried to bring Ford back, but could not without the other two journals. Game by Aquma, art & animation by Paul Robertson, Grunkle Sam character by Alex Hirsch, song is Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machineas arranged and performed by 8-bit Universe. While Stan and Ford seem happy about their new adventure, Ford questions what to do with the Mystery Shack in their absence. General Lunaris | WebWatch the best of Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls! Mr. Skinner | Orson | Stan gets upset that Dipper and Mabel would rather go on a monster hunt than go fishing with him, so he tries to find his own fishing buddies around the lake. Matteo Balsano | A pool of red liquid appears underneath it, but Mr. Ponds reveals "It's just wax." When the twins come home from trick-or-treating, they were disappointed they couldn't eat any of the candy they collected (they all fell into a river). Rico | Tom Lucitor | Dipper tries telling the agents about the journal, but Stan quickly steps in, insisting that Dipper had an overactive imagination. That project was Fords ticket to getting into the college of his dreams and paving a life for himselfone filled with fame and fortune. Family information Lexi Reed | Magic Mirror | Supervisor | Tal Hajus | He is a popular con artist, yet the tourists don't see it. Stan is also a lot more intelligent than he appears, as he's shown on multiple occasions, such as constantly outwitting Little Gideon. Rooster and Lily St. Regis | Artemis Fowl | Peg Leg Pete | Stan states his promise, crossing his fingers behind his back as well. Commander Heist | DJ | During the apocalypse, Stan and an army of the series' characters rescue Ford, but Bill captures both brothers during an argument. Rhoda Chesterfield | Stan calls Soos to guard the vending machine at the Mystery Shack so none of the agents would come near it. A modified version of Stan appears in the Wander Over Yonder episode "The Cartoon". Black Triangles | Hag & Werewolf | Sr. X | While Dipper and Mabel try to figure out the murderer, Stan prepares a funeral. So there you have it looks like Blubs and Durlend have their work cut out for them. Dr. Evilini | Grunkle Stan (or Great-Uncle Stan)Stanford PinesMr. Later that night, Wax Stan is murdered and his head is gone. Winifred Sanderson | He frequently carries an eight ball cane with him and often wears an unnecessary eye-patch over one of his eyes while working. WebThe episode begins with Grunkle Stan driving the Mystery Cart with Dipper, Mabel, and Soos inside, to the bottomless pit to dispose of their unwanted items. Ursula | While Stan is locked up, Gideon throws tomatoes at his eyes, and he gets taunted by Pacifica Northwest. Nurse Wilson | H. U. Hennessy | Stan is next seen in the Shacktron, stating it was a bad idea as the Shack is surrounded by Bill's henchmen. Next: Gravity Falls: Weirdmageddon's Scariest Part Wasn't What Fans Think. Maleficent (2014) | Solaria Butterfly | Anacleto Mitragli | He makes them run around and do chores and make things for him, all the while rewarding them 'suck-up points'. Aconcagua | Dr. Bedlam | He often is depicted wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red string bow tie, along with a red fez, and a cane topped by a billiard 8-ball. He is much more antagonistic and sinister than his original counterpart and tries to turn the protagonist, Anne Boonchuy, into a wax figure for his museum. Ab Cross | Scratch | Harpe Brothers | Henry Villanova | Eventually, Filbrick made them take up boxing to "toughen them up", which in the long run benefited him, Stan winning over Carla McCorkle in his early teenage years. Gaston LeGume | Hydra | Gravity Falls Confirms Fans Only Saw Half of Stan & Ford's Backstory, Gravity Falls' Most Important Journal Wasnt in the Show, Gravity Falls: Weirdmageddon's Scariest Part Wasn't What Fans Think, Hulk's Deadliest Form TITAN Finally Explained by Marvel, Even Marvel Fans Forget The One '90s Hero More Extreme Than Deadpool, The Predators Ultimate Prey Isnt Humans or Xenomorphs. Bjornson the Cheesemonger, Direct-to-video/Disneytoon Studios Sequels Mama Gunda | The King (2017) | Foxy Loxy | Thirty years later, Stan saves Ford, but the two still appear to be on broken terms and mainly ignore each other, only times they ever interact turning into an argument. Magica De Spell (2017) | Bookman | Rufus Sorghum | Captain Putty | Stanley Pines: Snacks evasion, Pickpocketing, Woodpecker baiting, Impersonating a dentist, General indecency, Golf cart theft, Bingo fraud telling overly long jokes, Pug trafficking, Vandalism, Breaking and entering(5), Child abuse, Possessing a concealed weapon(2), Tax fraud, Tax evasion, Counterfeiting(2 for money for museam exhibits possibly limitless), Robbery(2), Shoplifting(2), Eluding the police(3), Assaulting an officer(4), Garbage theft, Causing public panic, Possession of Illegal fireworks, Teaching bears to drive, Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle, Carjacking, Harassment(2), Assault(3), Unlawful imprisonment, Identify theft, burglebezzlement, Possession of forged instrument(17), Murder(31), Lamacide, Mason "Dipper" Pines: Vandalism, Destruction of government property(2), Destruction of property(5), Shoplifting, Assault and battery, Assault with a deadly weapon(2), Breaking and entering(3), Home invasion, Grave robbing, Robbery, Counterfeiting, Unlawful imprisonment(2), Golf cart theft, Eluding the police(2), Possession of Illegal fireworks, Possession of a forged instrument, Conspiracy to commit murder(2), Murder(17), Mabel Pines: Vandalism, Vehicular vandalism, Breaking and entering(4), Shoplifting(2), Golf cart theft, Grave robbing, Robbery, Kidnapping, Counterfeiting, Assault(2), Eluding the police(2), Destruction of government property, Possession of a forged instrument, Sexual harassment, Conspiracy to commit murder, Murder(18), Jesus "Soos" Ramrez: Conspiracy to commit murder, Breaking and entering(shockingly clean here..must be bribing someone), Wendy Cordoroy: Breaking and entering(2), Home invasion, Eluding the police, Driving without a license(2), Assault and battery(2), Assault with a deadly weapon(2), Conspiracy to commit murder, Grand theft auto(2). A frog version of Stan appears as the Curator in the Amphibia episode "Wax Museum". Since his first speech was a total failure, Dipper turns to Ford to help him. Dawn Bellwether | In "Sock Opera", Stan goes as long as he can attempting to ignore Mabel's puppet obsession. Chip Whistler | He tosses Goldie in the garbage by the Gravity Falls Mall after having a heartfelt moment. Gwendolyn Zapp | Beagle Boys | In "Boss Mabel", Stan's relentless attempts at making money and poor treatment of his employees get on Mabel's nerves, and she decides to confront him about it. As the years went on, Stan kept putting more and more work into his business. This is further underscored by the fact that creator. Sabor | Judge Higgins | Soos then interferes, telling Stan he could easily make money off the visitors. East India Trading Company (Mr. Mercer) | Outsiders (Nuka & Vitani) | The Phantom | The Baron | When he is enraged, he becomes violent, attacking the subject of his rage with ferocity. Stan and Ford have a brief moment to reflect on their childhood and how they were once as close as Dipper and Mabel. However, upon releasing the balloon, a few letters fall off and it catches on fire, revealing a slogan that says "I Eat Kids." Mack McCro | Omar | Stan appears again in "Soos and the Real Girl", where Wendy tells him he should throw away his old novelty coin dispenser, Goldie. As for Mabel this one's a stretch but you gotta imagine all the "flirting" from tourist trapped and what happened when the camera wasn't rolling, it's a flimsy case but I'm trying to cover all the bases. Gladys | Oswald Granger | Judge Dimsdale De Vil | Bucky Buchanan | Stan shows them two big bags of candy he got, and the family, along with Soos, Wendy, Candy Chiu and Grenda, watch a horror movie at the Mystery Shack for the remainder of the night. Likes He was the former owner and founder of the Mystery Shack (originally named the Murder Hut), an attraction of oddities that are merely fakes as he is a renowned con artist, swindler, and scandal. Mabel often gets involved in whatever problem Stan is dealing with on a given day and tries to help him solve it, usually when Stan does not ask for her help. Penelope | Fleshlumpeater | Butch Cavendish | Mainframe Bertram | The surveillance shows him that he was restocking the Mystery Shack, but after that, he did steal hazardous waste. Molly, Comics Also we'll say paranormal creatures have rights just for fun. Season Two: Scary-oke Into the Bunker The Golf War Sock Opera Soos and the Real Girl Little Gift Shop of Horrors Society of the Blind Eye Blendin's Game The Love God Northwest Mansion Mystery Not What He Seems A Tale of Two Stans Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons The Stanchurian Candidate The Last Mabelcorn Roadside Attraction Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future Weirdmageddon, Making money, cheap labor, drama/romance movies, scaring children on. Earl Raymond | Duryodhan | Laughy Cat | On Sale: Soos Ramirez Question Mark T-shirt Gravity Falls Halloween Costume Shirt. Esmeralda Di Pietro | Louise Walker | The two government agents then show up, after seeing the mysterious readings that were caught on radar by the portal. Alonzo Hawk | Lucius Heinous VII | King Kalakai/Yamakoshi | With a quick name change, Stan headed out for Pennsylvania, where his "Rip-Off" Band-Aids got him kicked out of the state yet again. After Stan's tale, they hear the government agents about to break in the basement until Dipper grabs out the Memory Gun from the Blind Eye Society and gives it to Ford, who connects the gun's power to the outside and erases the agents' memory and makes them leave. Meredith Blake | As Stan mocks and is angered by his young foe, not taking him to be a threat in any way, Gideon plots his revenge on Stan and his family, with pranks on the side. After Wendy gets mad at Dipper for asking her to go bowling, Stan tells Dipper that he could always just go bowling with him, and that he was trying to do the right thing even if he destroyed a relationship. Captain Gantu | After Dipper accidentally raises the dead and Stan saves him and Mabel, he then reveals he had always known about the supernatural part of the town, but he lied because he wanted to protect them. Ford, Dipper, and Mabel are saddened by Stan's sacrifice, with Ford lamenting the fact that Stan has no idea that he saved the world (as well as Ford), calling Stan "our hero" as he hugs him. After a hushed conversation between himself and Ford, Stan announces to the town that the Mystery Shack will shut down for good, as Stan and Ford have catching up to do and will be away for quite some time. Source, Grunkle Stan (or Great-Uncle Stan)Stanford PinesMr. Vikings | Rustlers | Selling items to nave tourists; tourist trapping; passing off frauds as real; imitating Ford's voice Fans of Gravity Falls are well aware of the tragic circumstances that led up to the start of the series regarding Grunkle Stan and his twin brother, Fordbut one thing they may not know is that their backstory goes far beyond what was revealed in the show. Charles Hendrickson | In the physical world, Ford begins erasing Stan's memories to erase Bill along with them, while Stan defeats Bill with a single punch from within his mind. S.I.R. On one fateful night, Stan wandered into a science fair hall, inadvertently breaking his brother's prize-winning perpetual motion machine, ruining Ford's chances of being accepted into a prestigious university and straining their relationship. What does grunkle stan mean? Bowler Hat Guy | Once Gideon gets into the Mystery Shack he finds Stan, but since Stan is in the maze, Gideon can't find him, but he then starts breaking every single mirror he sees until he finds him. Huntsgirl | Boogeyman | King Leonidas | Elliot Coleye | Madeline | Shadow Demons | Kronk | Clarabelle Cow | Shere Khan (1998) | Essentially, Stan ruined Fords future, which was the first step towards the events of Gravity Fallsbut that isnt the whole story. Viscount Mabrey | Stan is based on Alex Hirsch's grandfather, also named Stan. Witch Hazel | In "Little Dipper," a man is at Stan's door when Dipper, Mabel and him were watching TV. However, by the time they were both seniors in high school, it was clear that Fords future was much brighter than Stans as Ford was a legitimate inventive genius and Stan was a smooth-talking slacker. Opal Koboi | For much of Gravity Falls, Stan is shown as a simple, miserly character who devises mischievous, comical plans to earn money mainly from Mystery Shack tourism. They later became the elder brothers to a third brother, Shermie Pines. Eddie Taffet | Stanford blamed Stanley for intentionally ruining his project. Stan wanted to tell them something, but he was afraid to tell them and get another soda. Walrus & Carpenter | King George ll | During this adventure, Stan and Ford are working to prove that Stan didnt steal something from their dads shop, and that the mythical beast known as the Jersey Devil was actually the one responsible. Nebula Ghosts | Foxy Loxy | Stan is willing to give her the watch back in exchange for his hands back, which she then accepts. Stan originally looked considerably different than he does in the show. Reply . Dark | Vogons | Were-Rat | Norton Nimnul | However, Carla eventually left him for a music-playing hippie. Abraham Kane | When Ford gives Mabel a crossbow, Mabel accidentally shoots the crossbow outside the shack and Stan mistakes it for the police. Frank Sitwell | Bandar Log (1998) | When Stan tries to get his ideal lawn chair, he is horrified when he finds that Gideon has taken it from him. Cyd Ripley | When he notices Dipper having a hard time forgetting about his crush on Wendy, he gives him advice on how to be confident with girls, which works out extremely well for Dipper at first. In "Fight Fighters," Stan is seen hanging out with Soos and the twins for a while before Robbie challenges Dipper to a fight, which Stan encourages. The Mothman: The first date with Ford involves looking for this cryptid. Scarfield | The Spaniard | StrengthBoxing skillsHigh intelligenceWitBrass knucklesBaseball batSmoke bombs After Wendy question whether or not the arcades walls were just spray painted mattress, he exclaims that he believes the arcade used to be a mattress store. Other names Ram Thug | Turbo/King Candy | WebStanley Pines: Snacks evasion, Pickpocketing, Woodpecker baiting, Impersonating a dentist, General indecency, Golf cart theft, Bingo fraud telling overly long jokes, The Wolf | Save his brother Stanford.Run the Mystery Shack.Find all three journals.Make as much money as possible.Protect Dipper and Mabel.Defeat Gideon Gleeful.Defeat Bill Cipher (all succeeded). Sometime later, Edwin was fired and replaced by the 12-year-old Soos Ramirez in a matter of seconds, who grew to love and idolize Stan as a fatherly figure. Emperor Kuzco | Sensei Ty | WebMeaning of grunkle stan. Your honor, Grunkle Stan was only having a bear drive a car for him not because he was to lazy to drive himself but it is a clever business idea like whos heard of a car driving bear . Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Diablo the Raven | David Xanatos | Lawrence | Bandits | Ludo | When the twins come home from trick-or-treating, they were disappointed they couldn't eat any of the candy they collected (they all fell into a river). Lava Monster | Stan and Ford confront each other for the first time in 30 years. Stan HirshScrooge McDuckEugene H. Krabs Sheriff of Notthingham | He took on the role of Mr. Mystery Stanford Pines by day, while by night he secretly worked on locating his brother's hidden journals and reactivating the portal, hoping to return the real Stanford Pines back home. Grunkle Stan Hat 1-48 of 108 results for "grunkle stan hat" RESULTS Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. For the rest of the episode, Stan tries to scare the two kids. Stan's typical outfit is a black suit, with the jacket buttoned closed, a bow tie similar in color to his fez, and a white dress shirt. Dipper and Mabel use this tie to make Stan the perfect candidate. Shere Khan | El Diablo | He corners Stan and tries to zap him, but meanwhile, tiny Mabel and Dipper start tickling him, and Stan says that he is a good enemy and that maybe their rivalry has gone too far, so he "rolls" Gideon out of the shack. Priscila Ferr | Monsieur Molay | Ramsley | In "Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality", Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos approach the Mystery Shack to find shelter. The two men have developed a friendship over the years. Dryden Vos | Bandar Log (1994) (King Louie (1994) & Kaa (1994)) | Anastasia Tremaine | Upon seeing this, he begins to panic, and orders Soos to lock up the shack and attempts to shoot down the balloons with a crossbow. Rhino Guards | Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | In "Bottomless Pit!," Grunkle Stan has his first major encounter with the supernatural side of Gravity Falls as he, Soos, and the twins fall down a bottomless pit and tell stories to pass the time. Stan Pines Hyena Clan (Shenzi, Banzai & Ed) | He then persuades Dipper and Mabel to simply stay inside the Shack as it is the safest place to be in. He appears again briefly in the credits of "Society of the Blind Eye", where he continues to work in secret on the universal portal beneath the Mystery Shack, accidentally slicing his hand on a flying pipe in the process. King Aldrich | Bill Bluff | Zeke Midas Wolf | WebName: Stanley Pines Origin: Gravity Falls Gender: Male Age: At least 60 Classification: Human Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled con artist, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Beat up a pterodactyl, Fought a horde of zombies with nothing but a baseball bat and a pair of brass knuckles. WebStan can be very lazy at times. Chief | After Mabel breaks Gideon's mystic amulet, Gideon forces his dad to call off the deal. Brad Buttowski | Wendy is disrespectful toward Stan and is notorious for slacking off and breaking rules when he is not looking. Grunkle Stan, Mabel, and Dipper have been to the county jail due to them making counterfeit money. Admiral Evar | This list is definitely incomplete so please add to it I know I'm missing a lot from the weirdmageddon trilogy. He was featured in the Gravity Falls series of shorts entitled "Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained", as well as a short ("Stan's Tattoo") in which the twins investigate the mysterious tattoo on Stan's shoulder. By the end of the first season, Stan obtains all three journals, with the second and third ones respectively having been in the hands of Gideon and Dipper, and eventually succeeds in reactivating the portal and bringing Ford back to his home dimension in "Not What He Seems". Delancy Brothers | Frollo | The Raider | Ford is Stan's twin brother. Suddenly, a red dot appears on his fez thinking it was a ladybug, until multiple red dots all over him, the US Government arrives, including Agent Powers and Agent Triggers, who survived the zombie attack that Dipper unleashed. Episode, Stan is locked up, Gideon forces his dad to call the. Another soda incomplete so please add to it I know I 'm missing a lot from the Weirdmageddon.. 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