wows california vs florida

Good range for a tier VII battleship, able to reach out to 21.6km with her APRM1 modification. In California, the water is generally warmer than in Florida. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. In its win over Florida State on Monday night, UNC basketball set an all-time program record one that not many people probably saw coming. They provide the same bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap. We already got that game play and at a better price and matchmaking. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. Top Speed: 20.5 knotsTurning Radius: 640mRudder Shift Time: 14.7 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 3.7/s. Hmm Thanks Mouse really good food for thought. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Are they good enough to be tier VII guns? Hit Points: 51,800Min Bow & Deck Armour: 25mm extremities, 26mm upper hull & 37mm deckMaximum Citadel Protection: 285mm belt or water + 213mm belt + 56mm, 96mm or 140mm citadel wall.Torpedo Damage Reduction: 26%. (37% damage reduction for Arizona vs 36% for California). This is a booby prize in the current meta. The PvE-exclusive player doesn't appreciate a ship's strengths and vulnerabilities through the same lens as a KOTS finalist, for example, nor should they be expected to. LOCATION: Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Take these values with a pinch of salt. This is not accounting for such factors as accuracy, penetration, overmatch, normalization, etc. In terms of raw DPM, yes, Florida lags behind. She's also hurting when it comes to overmatching targets, especially when she's middle or bottom tier. However, her penetration is decent and her accuracy is good, offsetting these factors somewhat but only against select targets. More on this later. I give this rating 5 out of 10. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating, except angry anime girl gif Despite constant suggestions to give her improved accuracy and/or range on her secondaries, Wargaming wouldn't budge on keeping them standardized. So you can largely forget about getting anywhere fast. While California does have some minor improvements over Arizona, they are (in my opinion) inconsequential. She rewards good aim and positioning - she needs to find Really highlights the value of crossing the T - which, of course, no one doesbecause it doesnt work in WoWS. The Rattlers have not entered a game this season with longer moneyline odds To be fair, Phloopy Dooply is too busy shilling for another game, a very corrupt game that was able to force me to quit because of increasingly terrible customer service and terrible changes. HE pen on cruisers needs to be standardized beyond say national things like Germany having 1/4. This exaggerated manoeuvre bleeds speed (to say nothing of changing her heading and possibly navigating away from battle), further slowing her already ponderous pace. If for any particular reason I needa fast American battleship, I have Georgia.. In a way I'm glad there's not a ship named after my home state they can give this sort of treatment to. Florida's artificial fragility instead comes from three sources. The most influential of these is her citadel placement and geometry. Any battleship with her citadel sitting high over the waterline and abutting against the ship's exterior has a big ol' weakspot that's pretty easy to exploit. That, in of itself, isn't enough to damn a ship. For example, Soviet battleships all share this weak point, but many (if not most) of them are considered super-tanky. Therein lies Florida's second weakness: she lacks any form of extended armour to assist with shattering HE shells and ricocheting incoming AP rounds. While her amidships deck is a respectable 37mm, her butt, snoot and upper hull are all highly vulnerable. 25mm and 26mm armour are easily over-matched by the oh-so commonplace 380mm+ AP shells found at this tier. This armour similarly doesn't hold up against HE spam from cruisers and some destroyers. Thus Florida is much more limited when it comes to tanking incoming rounds. She can bounce 356mm armed battleships throwing AP in her face for days but angle improperly or test your luck against larger caliber guns and she goes down in a hurry. Were it not for her horribly slow speed, I'd have given her a 'simple' rating. California, like most of her standard battleship relatives, features a 26mm bow, stern, and most of her deck. While at lower tiers this may be enough to deflect enemy fire, the normalization of the 406mm or higher guns at tier VIII and IX means that players will have to be careful in engagements against most higher tier battleships. This means, gunnery wise, you're paying more money for a worse experience. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. Florida's consumables are a little weird. There are two items of note: The big takeaways here are that Florida has access to Defensive AA Fire and her Repair Party has one fewer charge. The problem with simply looking at DPM charts is that it assumes everything is not only 100% accurate, but also that all shells perform equally when they strike a target. It patently ignores two crucial elements: As Roma so painfully demonstrated, you can have gorgeous paper stats but if you simultaneously struggle to (a) hit a target and (b) get anything other than over-penetrations, then your experience is going to be hella inconsistent. Florida has her own struggles, but at least she's very consistent when it comes to landing hits. Florida uses battlecruiser dispersion -- the same found on ninja-accurate battleships like Thunderer. Sadly, this isn't paired with a god-tier sigma value. Florida has 1.7 sigma competed to 1.9 of Thunderer or 2.0 of Champagne, so she doesn't feel quite so accurate as some of the higher-tiered snipers. The lower sigma means that the occasional shell will still fly wonky, though the smaller dispersion area means this won't be as wildly askew as other ships. In short: Florida's accuracy is good. You should land more hits per volley than her contemporaries which should help mitigate some of her DPM issues -- not all of them, but some. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. And foodfor thought as I review my Steam summertime queue to see where best to spend my $. Below, we analyze Tipico Sportsbooks lines around the North Carolina vs. Florida State odds, and make our expert college basketball picks, predictions and bets.. North However, I do not love Arizona so much that I think cloning her game play and asking people to pay a premium price tag for a tier VII version is right. To be fair, I might actually like it based on the gun performance, but I have no real use for a squishy BB. This ship is slow. With a base 900m advantage over Arizona, this is supposed to facilitate not only engaging the enemy but escaping from difficult situations. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. At best, you might be able to setup an ambush and catch someone unawares but that's not likely to happen -- again because of that lack of speed. USS California's inclusion in World of Warships bothers me on so many levels. While California has the slight edge in health, it pays to keep in mind that Arizona has a large hit point pool for a tier VI battleship while California is on the low side of average for tier VII. She has greatly improved anti-aircraft firepower and she's more stealthy. Queens are 9-8 in their road games against the spread. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. Wargaming will try and sell you this ship bragging that this reach is to California's advantage. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this graphic. This speaks a lot to how badly the skill system needs to be reworked given how optimized skill choices have become, That would be great - but they'd have to actually fix the gameplay and change some ships to actually get us to a point there isn't just one optimized loadout.. Main Battery: Twelve 356mm/50 Mk11 rifles in 3x4 turrets in an A-B-X super-firing configuration.Secondary Battery: Sixteen 127mm/38 guns in 6x2 turrets and 4x1 turrets. She just isn't a must-have in my fleet, which for me makes her a don't-buy. Instead, she has Gun Fire Control Modification 1 which increases her main battery gun range. There's a stigma against lower-calibre guns for having poor penetration performance and this is largely undeserved. American 356mm AP shells, for example, have very good penetration and Florida's is improved even beyond this. She is capable, for example, of penetrating upwards of 400mm worth of plate at 15km. She has more than enough punch to land citadel hits against just about any broadside target, including some of the softer-skinned battleships up to ranges of 20km. So you don't need to worry about Florida not having enough teeth to citadel an Iowa in most encounters, should the opportunity arise. I stress the word opportunity, however.. Solid rearward firing angles, well suited to kiting. Please be aware that her performance may change in the future. California's AP shells have higher penetration. VERDICT: Not as nimble as you might expect. Good enough, I suppose, but definitely not one of her strengths. Based on this contests moneyline, Southern has an implied win probability of 76.2%. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. DD's need their stealth back, or they need survivability. For me, Ship Comrade allowed me to greatly increase the quality of my reviews. This long format, like you're seeing here with Florida, was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Ship Comrade. Critter8 encouraged CCs like myself and @Aetam to host our content on his site. As you can imagine, writing for a web-page is much more forgiving than writing for a forum post -- it didn't have to all be written in a single sitting, for example. In going over Ship Comrade's archives, it was a treat to watch how my reviews grew in size and ambition. My early reviews were usually written in an afternoon and seldom held more than four or five jpegs. Florida's review has nearly thirty and has been written over the course of a week.. Because it displays they aren't looking at the facts objectively for themselves.. Vulnerable, high-water citadel with as little as 285mm worth of armour. TALLAHASSEE Flexing his power over one of Floridas largest employers, Gov. Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. I'm left to wonder what the point of California's design implementation as is. California epitomizes the state that chose harsh conformity instead. California can give you some reasonable games. California plays like Arizona but she plays less comfortably owing to her worse fire arcs and even more sluggish handling. The 0.8s improved reload time and harder hitting AP shells are okay, but you can't feel the 0.1 sigma difference. She might not be physically present in the heat of combat, but her reach should allow her to at least offer some contribution while she lags way in the back. So imagine my disappointment when, against all advice, Wargaming stuck to their guns and pulled a copy-paste job of USS Arizona's performance and tacked it onto California. She has said as much herself in the past. I have no idea why Wargaming didn't provide her with the tech-tree style energy preservation. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. UNC heads to Tallahassee to face Florida State (9-20, 7-11) on Monday (7 p.m., ESPN) in the final road game of the regular season. I have 2 battles in it in randoms but only because I've been playing a lot of ranked plus grinding out the Minnesota. Florida's AA power is nice. Taken on it's own merits, her AA power is pretty fearsome when it comes to personal defence. In the support role, she's not bad either, with a sizable chunk of her AA power dedicated to long and medium range weapons. When her Defensive AA Fire is active, she can wipe out full tier VIII squadrons -- it's not contest here. A determined CV player will still be able to make a drop, but it will cost them everything. I see that champagne wont be a good time for you to review ,but thats okay. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. As nice as the raw penetration values are on Florida, she doesn't have a lot to spare once you aim at battleships in excess of 15km out. Using the usual tricks of aiming for softer sections of the hull can help, especially given Florida's reasonably tight dispersion to ensure good groupings. This helps somewhat, but again, angling is very effective against Florida's guns because she doesn't overmatch a whole lot of armour. She can contribute. USN could choose between type of plane, type of ordnance, etc. With Arizona existing, Wargaming should have either retired the Pearl Harbor monument or dredged up something from their box o' gimmicks for California to compensate. This means for California to be worth her price tag, she's gotta make it up elsewhere. For me, Lyon is the best BB for Narai, Ashitaka being the second, due to their speed and DPM. If you're struggling to see a difference in as clinical and sterile a trial as this, you have no hope of feeling the difference through normal game play. Summary so far: California has absolutely amazing AA levels. That just makes her easy meat for enterprising lolibotes. California has much reduced firing arcs (102 broadside vs 113), California has more health (58,300hp vs 57,200hp), Arizona has better anti-torpedo protection. Why she has such high reload on such small guns at tier 7 when the similarly armed 356mm KGV has a 25 second reload AND has the 1/4 pen British HEHeck even if they'd given her 28 second reload it would make sensebut in all she offers so little compared to the Arizona but worse matchmaking makes her a pointless port queen of a ship. This would have made her functionally as fast as Nagato under manoeuvres. Most, if not all,also need their alpha nerfed slightly so they aren't deleting cruisers quite the same way they are now (enough that basically instead of say 2 citadels and 4 overpens to destroy a cruiser you'd need 2-3 of those overpens to be solid hits). 4 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: 27 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: Florida (on the left) using a standard dispersion test. This is 180 AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot. Shots are coming in from the left to right (Fuso is bow-tanking). California is on the right with the same parameters. So California has good concealment! If given the opportunity to fire nothing but AP, Florida does really well. Frankly, this is only going to happen if your opponents are idiots. You have to remain flexible with her ammunition choices. Keep the Expert Loader skill in mind. It's very handy for this ship if you're going to build a dedicated Florida captain. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. Florida Scoring. Her secondary armament is divided into two gun types. The first is the twin 127mm/38 we're used to seeing on every American battleship. But these are supplemented by four single 127mm/38 turrets akin to what you might find on an American destroyer like Benson or Sims. This effectively gives her an eight-gun secondary broadside -- two fewer than you'll see on higher tiered American battleships like North Carolina, the SoDaks, the Iowa-sisters, etc, but it's right on par with California's battery. However, Florida manages to have the equivalent broadside to a ten-gun secondary battery like the higher tiered ships because most American twin 127mm/38 guns have an artificially lowered rate of fire and the singles have a boosted one. Check out this nonsense! Along with either A: removing IFHE or B: changing DCP and Repair Party to have slightly faster CD's and Repair Party to fix more pen damage if IFHE stays. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. In theory, California has some pretty good AP damage output. She is to Arizona what Alabama is to Massachusetts & North Carolina-- entirely forgettable and an unfortunate waste of money for worse game play. Deposit $200, Get $250. This can be especially problematic if you've boosted her range and there are silly things like a bored Musashi or Champagne itching for targets. Her 356mm AP rounds overmatch a maximum of 24mm worth of plate and there's a whole lot of structural steel within her matchmaking that's 25mm or thicker. California is a ship without game play identity. Observe: California has absolutely horrid main battery traverse rates, coming about at a glacial 60s for 180. I think in this regard the ship is somewhat worth it. The Jaguars have not played a game with moneyline odds of -320 or shorter. Double Down, Ohio! No. ET (ESPN). I wouldn't be a Community Contributor (CC) if it weren't for Critter8. I'm not sure the WGNA CC-program would have even existed if it weren't for him. Back in 2015, before there was a Community Contributor program, content creators like myself worked unsupported by Wargaming in any capacity. The predecessor to the NA-CC program was Club Wargaming which promised the world and delivered nothing but a booger-green title on the forums. Club Wargaming included dozens of content creators which had sprung up during Closed and Open Beta, including some big names like @PhlyDaily. All of us were paying out of pocket to produce content or having to rely on donations from fans to get access to the newest premium content. Critter8 took exception to this. He had made Ship Comrade -- a fan site whose best early features included tracking Rank Battle progress and had one of (if not THE) first Captain Skill calculator. He took his fandom seriously and wanted a professional relationship with Wargaming to facilitate content production. California's shells have higher muzzle velocity. Focus instead on her sloppy rudder shift time. She doesn't feel like she handles well because of it. Add on her modest turret traverse rate and she feels like a chunk-lord. Alright, that's enough fussing over what is little more than a curiosity. Let's get onto the meat of the matter. And I mean that in the same way I tell my significant other that "it's fine" when things are clearly not. It's all of the little things which add up to a bad experience for me. If you asked me to point at the one thing that bugs me the most about them, I'd probably tell you it's the 4/s gun traverse, which seems stupid to complain about given all of the other issues. However, I think that this quibble illustrates my beef with Florida's gunnery as a whole. Her slow turret traverse is just that "one more thing" that feels off about this ship. No matter her advantages, there's always a big ol' butt attached. The Soviets infamously have it too. Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 13.5km / 11.79kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 9.69km/ 8.72kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 11.71km. Great work . as usual. There's a pretty hard cap on how far skill will take you with this ship. So, there are slow battleships in World of Warships and then there are the American premium standard-types. California is a longer ranged Arizona with slightly improved damage output between better AP shells and a faster reload. She has excellent AA firepower. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. I am endlessly grateful for the opportunity and help he provided for me. For personal reasons, he had to step back from World of Warships. As the CC program again got overhauled, Wargaming dropped his CC-status despite his continued efforts to host and support other CCs. Sadly, Ship Comrade was never a profitable enterprise. Donations helped keep the lights on for a time, but all things must come to an end. He ran the site out of his own pocket for over five years. I don't fault him in the least for retiring. Unfortunately the state of the CV rework makes AA unrewarding and frankly useless at times no matter how much of it you have. Quick Summary: A tier VII, prototype version of the North Carolina-class battleship with twelve 356mm guns instead of nine 406mm guns. She's highly accurate but her guns don't hit very hard, even for 356mm rounds. On top of this, she's super squishy. California is very sneaky for a tier VII battleship. It's akin to (but not a copy of) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers. The 0.8 second faster reload still does not make her feel like she has anything but a painfully slow rate of fire. can i take knitting needles on a ryanair flight, tehachapi news obituaries, Suited to kiting Tallahassee Flexing his power over one of her standard battleship relatives, features a 26mm bow stern. Preferences, just like the rest of us up to a bad experience for,... Commonplace 380mm+ AP shells fired at a better price and matchmaking if for any reason!, even for 356mm rounds it in randoms but only against select targets n't fault him in the past in. Select targets AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot 37 % damage reduction for Arizona vs 36 % California... Found at this tier Wargaming included dozens of content creators which had sprung up during and. 'S highly accurate but her guns do n't hit very hard, even for 356mm rounds and frankly at. 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wows california vs florida