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navy master at arms deployments

He trained and qualified three COGs and conducted 50 hours of qualification training while deployed to CTF 56.11. Traveling, working long hours, and enduring long contracts are all part of the job. As an NECC Armorer, he maintained 100% accountability of 285 weapons and 569 optics, mounts, barrels and auxiliary equipment valued at $2.5 million with zero discrepancies. The Military Police are tasked with maintaining order, preventing crime and protecting lives and property on Navy and Marine Corps installations. - CIVIC MINDED. PROMOTE NOW AND GROOM FOR COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS.***. Supervised four static crew served mounts and a reactionary force in over 1000 hours of 360 degree point defense watchstanding with zero discrepancies. He also demonstrated an astonishing work ethic as he qualified to pay grade. As Platoon LPO, he led, mentored and developed 96 Sailors in two Companies. Also he is responsible for mustering 61 sailors for ECHO as the Muster Petty Officer, and he accurately accounts for all whereabouts to maintain 100% accountability of personnel to ensure the mission can continue as normal. -VERSATILE LEADER. Upon his arrival at CRS2, MA1 immediately hit the deck to requalify Chief of the Guard, an in-depth qualification that usually requires nine months of training. EXEMPLARY PERFORMER AND LEADER! Hit the deck-plates running, she qualified as 3M 301, 3M 302, as well as EST Member qualification within three months. **PERFORMANCE ON PAR WITH MY SEASONED FCPO's, PROMOTE NOW! [5] Because of this Congressional act, the Master-at-Arms rating is recognized as one of the "oldest" ratings still existing in today's modern U.S. Navy, which includes boatswain's mate, gunner's mate, quartermaster, and yeoman. POISED, PRIMED AND READY FOR CPO NOW! Worked with the local military kennel to gain her kennel support qualification. While performing unit RESPAY duties, MA2 Kettering worked with NOSC Staff to ensure 100% reporting for 144 drill periods and 30 AT orders, 6 mobilization, and 3 ADSW members were mustered correctly. Thank you. Site Rota's CMEO. I am a Master-at-Arms. MA1 also has 7 transitioning veterans under his mentorship in financial management, college and job search. SAILOR DRIVEN: Professionally mentored and trained 12 junior Sailors resulting in numerous qualifications: 3 line coaches, 5 Duty Armorers, 6 LA5/LA9 operators and 7 explosive drivers. Her Standard Operating Procedures have been adopted by Afloat Training Groups for Detainee Operations around the fleet and beyond. Dedicated 13 off duty hours to NAVSTA Rota MWR and 10 hours to the Rota Animal Welfare League increasing relations between NAVSTA Rota, CRS-2, and the local community. Assist in crowd control and riot prevention. Navy master-at-arms special units are highly trained and skilled in a variety of law enforcement and security disciplines. AS WATCH COMMANDER, WHILE ASSIGNED TO U.S. Established COMREL with Fresno Monsters hockey team connecting 22 players and FCPO's as mentors, positively impacting the relationship between the Navy and local community. Furthermore, as Data Housing and Reports Tool (DHART) Database Manager, she maintained the NSF personnel Sustainment, NLW, Training Records, PQS and weapons qualifications, maintaining 100% readiness and compliance with USFF, CNIC and Regional instructions at NAS New Jersey. - ENGAGED MENTOR. MA1 Smith-Jones has been an ambassador to the community and conducted over 230 hours of community service to local groups such as the Thrift Store of Ft Hood, TX, Alpha Kappa Epsilon Psi, Book bag drive, and Habitat for Humanity. Provide security for your party when using a security force protection boat. The issue of the Navy Security Force not having a single chain of command, or type commander, similar to how the U.S. Army, and U.S. Marine Corps Military Police Corps, or U.S. Air Force Security Forces are task organized. Designated as the Command Special Assistant for Personal Finances. Trained and qualified five COGs and 12 sentries, greatly enhancing mission readiness. a security specialist who performs antiterrorism, physical security and basic law enforcement duties. He oversaw 14 instructors conducting over 300 hours of classroom, practical and high risk training evolutions for 62 students resulting in 100% mission coverage for MSRON-2. She has earned my STRONGEST POSSIBLE recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer Second Class. ***MY #1 OF XX EXTREMELY TALENTED AND COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. These may include providing security for naval installations and personnel, conducting criminal investigations, and participating in anti-terrorism and force protection operations. *** PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. NECs are sometimes used in the detailing process for an enlisted Sailor when selecting orders to a new command. Her motivation and thirst for knowledge inspired her peers and is an example for all to emulate. General Description The MA rating provides the Navy with security specialists who perform antiterrorism, force protection, physical security, and law enforcement duties on land and at sea. Led Echo CTT through the Final Evaluation Problem which resulted in the qualification of four watch teams in all aspects of Expeditionary Warfare operations paving the way for successful deployments to 4th, 5th and 6th Fleet AORs. **. Excellent command of the English language, verbal and written with no speech impediments. It is our mission to protect those who serve, and the U.S. Navy security forces have the watch. - COMMUNITY DEDICATION. As assistant Command Fitness Leader, he proctored the 2018 cycle 2 Physical Readiness Test for 27 sailors. When assigned to these different types of units, Master-at-Ams are expected to achieve the same qualifications and watch stations, as the rest of the sailors assigned to that unit. The major qualification everyone needs to strive for is going to be Watch Commander. USMAP Program Coordinator, oversaw the enrollment of five Sailors in USMAPS and signed off over 5000 hours towards completion of certifications. [16], In October 2001, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) designated the commander in chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT) as concurrent commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. *** SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMER! Delivered 14 hours of EXW training for 23 Sailors yielding seven EXW qualifications. Operated in an arduous environment conducting anti-terrorism/force protection operations providing 360 degree security during 50 scan eagle flights, totaling 462 hours during five patrols supporting Operation Odyssey Resolve. Coordinated 20 man hours for base beatification for all 3 of CRS2's buildings. A highly motivated Sailor who excels in every task assigned. Directly oversaw processing of 50 Incident Complaint Reports and 600 calls for service with zero deficiencies. - MOTIVATOR. - SAILORIZATION. - STEADFAST COMMITMENT. Your MA A School placement will grant you the status of a Navy Master of Arms. -DEVOTED TO EDUCATION. -COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. In a 2014 article in Navy Times, the then-Commander of Naval Air Forces, Vice Admiral Dave Buss, stated that all aircraft carriers' Security Force Departments would be manned by rated Master-at-Arms. As FCPOA President, he coordinated two Junior Sailor of the Year Boards, eight Junior Sailor of the Quarter Boards, created By-Laws to coincide with the CPO mess, and directed the creation of an FCPOA bank account. Volunteered 104 off-duty hours to the Crooked River Elementary School, St. Mary s Middle School, Catty Shack, Color Run, Hillsborough SPCA, Bell Creek Academy, and Camden Hospital which greatly increased community and military relations. According to early records, the U.S. Navy took its time about identifying ratings by the symbols so familiar on today's naval uniforms. COMMUNITY ORIENTED. As Chief Master at Arms Assistant, she demonstrated outstanding organizational ability and efficiency. As COG, he led a team of five EST members in completing 1,520 hours of Force Protection/ Antiterrorism requirements for two HVAs. Provided administrative details necessary to convert unit's billets from non-security to all MA structure, improving the AT/FP and law enforcement force. Petty Officer Wild is an exceptional technician, possessing outstanding abilities and unlimited potential. As CTT, trained and qualified 69 Sailors in the successful completion of ULTRA-C encompassing the Command Training Team certification. With the end of the Cold War, Marine Detachments were also removed from aircraft carriers in the early 1990s, the four Iowa-class battleships having been concurrently decommissioned at the same time. He also completed 8 hours of community service with the San Diego Padres. MAs are divided into two categories: commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. Recommended for advancement. ALREADY PERFORMING AT THE LEVEL OF A FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER, Proven top quality supervisor and administrator she dedicated 100% to CRS-2, her peers, and junior Sailors under her charge. According to the United States Navy Enlisted Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068F, it states that Master-at-Arms provide waterborne and land security, aircraft and flight line security, strategic weapons and cargo security, maritime security and platform protection; conduct customs operations, corrections operations, detainee operations, and protective service operations; perform force protection, physical security and law enforcement; organize and train personnel in force protection, physical security, law enforcement, and weapons proficiency; develop plans for physical security and force protection enhancement of Navy bases, installations, property, and personnel; and assist commands in conducting terrorist threat analysis and implementing defensive measures. As Departmental Career Counselor for ECHO Company, she provided career planning and professional development to 27 Sailors, completed and processed 13 CWAY applications, five 1306s, three re-enlistments, and 36 CDBs. Contact Disclaimer. Navy master at arms deployments typically last six to nine months. However, the increased terrorist threat changed the way the Navy thought and operated. Aside from the authorized billets in unconventional operational units, Master-at-Arms saw Individual Augmentee duties as early 2003 such as in the Iraq AOR with Combined Joint Task Force 7 (the precursor unit of Multi-National Force Iraq), headquartered at Camp Victory. A Master-at-Arms in the Navy is responsible for law enforcement and security aboard a ship or at a Navy installation. As a Master At Arms, a US Navy Master At Arms is rated a 420. Spearheaded the instruction of 12 IA Sailors on Embarked Security Skillsets, which led to their successful deployment to the C6F AOR. They perform a wide range of duties including law enforcement, investigations, force protection, security operations and antiterrorism. Theodore Roosevelt is deployed in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the region. WebMaster-At-Arms LADR. *** Everyone will talk to you no matter what if you do not go to college for two years. Additionally, she mentored two sailors, resulting in one college enrollment, 540 hours logged in USMAP. They enforce the laws and regulations of the Navy, and they also carry firearms in the performance of their duties. ** PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. [citation needed] On 20 May 1958 the upright star reemerged as a nod to the Historical MA Rating whose duty was to provide good order and discipline aboard ships over the enlisted crews. - COMMAND LIASON. He analyzed and managed security preparations for over 100 ship and aircraft visits in the region by conducting on-site security evaluations and providing support documentation. WebIf you're a Navy Master at Arms (MA) looking for a job, check out your skills and the civilian jobs they're suited for, based on the MOS Skills Translator. -SUPERB ADMINISTRATOR. Its original MA rating mark was an upright star (two points down) until the ratings disestablishment in 1921. As the resident expert for mobility, he coordinated four ISU-90 containers going to DET ROTA and five Platoon load outs for Embarked and Aircraft Security units deploying to three AORs. -LEADS BY EXAMPLE. During their stay on a Navy ship, MAs will receive Sea Pay. -MISSION ORIENTED. Posted by 10 months ago. Master-at-Arms may also serve outside of the rating, when approved by the community manager, such as in recruiting, recruit training, assignment to NCIS or Afloat Training Group (ATG) as a trainer and evaluator, or to a flag or general officer's Staff. In addition, MAAs provide physical security for weapons and ammunition, and they operate and maintain security equipment. -CIVIL IMPACT. Direct communication to a third party. As Command Training Team LPO, managed a team of 14 CTT members through the ULTRA-C qualification of Echo CTT. The RSCA for E5 is 3.00. -SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. Nuclear weapon security specialists work at submarine bases and nuclear weapon sites. The camouflage utility uniform for the Navy was exactly the same uniform worn by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army known as the battle dress uniform. MOTIVATED TEAM PLAYER. This led to the establishment of the Antiterrorism/Force Protection Warfare Development Center (ATFPWDC), the precursor to the current Center for Security Forces and an increase in Master-at-Arms manning, which in the year 2000 was barely 1,800 to over 11,000 by the year 2007. Served as NSA Bahrain's only technician for the Defense Biometric Identification System. Dedicated Information System Technician. Navy Gunners Mate (GM) Training: A Comprehensive Course In Naval Weaponry. No. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. His guidance resulted in 1 SOQ's and 3 advancements, assisted a new Sailor in qualifying in 4 PQSs needed for deployment, and assisted in the FEP certification of Platoon 1. - GIFTED TECHNICIAN. Prior to the 1980s, they were only distinguished from other sailors wearing the dungaree uniform, by wearing a brassard on their arm with the letters "MAA". The MCPON Rating (1971) specialty mark was established using the former MA upright star and later expanded to the Command Rates of Fleet / Command Master Chief (1995) or Senior Chief (2015) Ratings. Master at Arms is a good job in the Navy for those who are looking for a challenge and want to make a difference. Petty Officer Goodman performed at a First Class Petty Officer level and he is strongly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. The Definition of Sustained Superior Performer. *** This is a tremendous shift in current manning directives since the departure of the U.S. Marine Detachments in the 1990s. As Explosive Driver, safely transported $50K of ammunition supplying four Embarked Security Combat School crew served ranges, and one small arms range for 200 personnel, resulting in 100% qualification rating and no incidents. He is an outstanding Sailor whose work ethic, initiative and motivation are unmatched in the platoon! As CBRNE Coordinator, he restructured the program and was responsible for issuing and receiving $225,000 in CBR gear. HE IS A TRUE PROFESSIONAL AND WILL EXCEED ANY EXPECTATION! - RECOGNIZED EXPERT. She/he coordinated and led 10 personnel in the volunteer effort for the Honor Flight volunteer opportunity. MY F-19 3RD QUARTER, SAILOR OF THE QUARTER! They must complete a minimum of force protection training in order to deal with threats, as well as perform basic law enforcement duties. ***READY TO BE THE MA1 NOW! Evaluation submitted upon the completion of Individual Augmentation assignment to CORIVRON TWO. His diligent preparations, carefully choreographed with over 1,000 law enforcement officers from 25 federal agencies, directly contributed to the personal safety and security of over 3,000 personnel. Volunteered four hours serving Thanksgiving dinner with Eggleston, supporting 150 families with needed food and supplies. -MISSION FOCUSED. As COG, supervised 10 Embarked Security Team members on mission making transits through the straits of Bosphorus and Gibraltar with High Value Assets. I believe it is beneficial to have a rewarding but difficult family life, but not everyone has the opportunity to do so. My Non DTS Entry Agent, was the driving force in the submission of 236 vouchers ensuring the timely receipt of all pay and entitlements, and trained 10 sailors in all facets of DTS duties. PO1 ***** is a proven leader with sustained superior performance. Conduct force protection patrols to ensure that your officers are properly protected. He coordinated and conducted two equal opportunity training sessions for 40 Sailors as DET. Fully qualified in her/his duties; logged over 1,280 law enforcement and physical security hours of force protection for 3,500 civilians/military enterprise personnel. Her understanding and application of the Persons Under Control program is extensive and impeccable. Also is it a good rate in the navy? - SALORIZATION. *HAND SELECTED TO SERVE AS PLT 3 TACTICAL SUPERVISOR, A FCPO WATCHSTATION. This includes sailors in the Master-at-Arms rating, commissioned officers in the LDO and CWO field, DoD police officers, contracted guards, and sailors who have completed the required security force training. PGA RSCA X.XX. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Original US NAVY MASTER at ARMS 1st Class PETTY OFFICER Rate PATCH on Blue at the best online prices at eBay! He managed the preparation of 18 buildings for life cycle upgrades and accounted for 59,000 rounds of ammunition. Led 11 Sailors in the successful completion of 360 degree security and ATFP measures for two SOUTHCOM Missions. Petty Officer Silversmith's performance has been REMARKABLE. While acting as the Unit Sponsor Coordinator, Petty Officer Kettering mentored 8 new affiliates coming from the fleet or A School. His leadership was key in ensuring 360 degrees of external security to high valued assets in the 6th fleet AOR. Originally, MA were responsible for enforcing discipline aboard ship, maintaining firearms and ammunition, and guarding the ships stores. From January 2017 - October 2019, Petty Officer Kettering, as the Naval Security Forces Unit Administration Leading Petty Officer, worked as the Training Leading Petty Officer and Unit Sponsor Coordinator. As member of the Multicultural Committee, he coordinated and facilitated four heritage celebrations for a command of 367 Sailors. An MA is a security specialist who performs antiterrorism, physical security and basic law enforcement duties. Besides being chiefs of police at sea, the ships corporals, as they were called in the British Navy, they had to be qualified in close order fighting under arms and able to train seamen in hand-to-hand combat. Community efforts led to him being recognized USO volunteer of the quarter and volunteer of the month for April 2019. Earned an Associates of Applied Sciences in Health Sciences from American Military University. Evaluation submitted upon the completion of an Individual Augmentation assignment to CORIVRON TWO. -EXCELLENT PERFORMER. As the FCPOA Secretary, she organized and recorded over 20 FCPOA meeting minutes, helped lead 46 PO1s, improving communication between the FCPOA and the CPO Mess. 47). Hard charging Master-at-Arms that continually exhibits sound leadership. Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Petty Officer Mark Mayo. SECOND TO NONE IN JOB ACCOMPLISHMENT! [6] The Master-at-Arms rating is formally disestablished in accordance with BNCL 921 March 24, 1921, and made effective 1 July 1921. By Master Chief Master-at-Arms Melissa Old. Most will primarily perform Antiterrorism (AT), Physical Security (PS), and Law Enforcement (LE) duties, however, other types of duties are open to the rating depending on the command that they are assigned to. The master-at-arms (MAA) rating is assigned to ships and is typically associated with the rank of chief petty officer or warrant officer. Its mission is to develop and deliver security force training to achieve war fighting superiority. CHIEF SULLIVAN PERFORMED HIS DUTIES IN AN EXEMPLARY AND HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL MANNER. EXCEPTIONAL SAILOR. Technical expertise sought out for execution of 10 ATTT/ITT drills during FY17 Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield, RMTT and CART scoring above CNIC average. As a result, you could be assigned to a variety of assignments and locations. Petty Officer Reynolds is a highly adaptive, motivated, and consummate professional who hit the deck plates running. He has actively led and taught multiple classroom training sessions for both Petty Officer Indoc, SAILOR 360, EXW Qualification, and In-Rate advancement cultivating esprit de corps through all ranks within the command. HE HELPED DEVELOP AND PROVIDED ACUTE OVERSIGHT FOR OVER 20 SPECIAL EVENTS AND INDIVIDUAL FORCE PROTECTION PLANS, ENSURING THE SAFETY OF MILITARY MEMBERS AND THEIR DEPENDENTS THROUGHOUT THE SAN DIEGO AREA OF OPERATIONS. Continually seeks to better himself by seeking advice from his superiors and incorporating their suggestions into his day ensuring that his improvements are upgrading himself and the company. -EXPERT TRAINER. One of three certified SIMBBC Installation Training Specialists, qualified six Level II Coxswains, 20 SIMBB Coxswains and Crewmembers, 20 Craft Crewmen, 10 Crowd Control, 10 Sentries, and five M9, M4, and M240 operators. - VIGILANT SENTRY. Petty Officer Johnny is an energetic and resourceful Master-A t-Arms, who eagerly accepts any task and produces flawless results. While onboard Coastal Riverine Squadron Two she has made a positive impact by directly influencing guiding and mentoring Junior Sailors to improve and excel their Naval Careers. - DYNAMIC LEADER. As the armorer he was responsible for the inventory and management of over $300K in controlled items resulting in 100% mission readiness. As Platoon 1 LPO, he flawlessly led and mentored 16 Sailors in obtaining all necessary qualifications for the upcoming deployment to 4th fleet AOR. COMMAND FOCUSED. -DYNAMIC LEADER. Maintained 360 degree security for two High Valued Assets valued at $500M each ensuring the safety of 45 civilians and 27 military personnel with zero incidents. - Managed $250,000 in annual funds for regional security supplies. ***PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. Examples can be contributed using this form. Conducted 28 hours of community service cleaning the MSRON-2 sponsored roadway and at the Chesapeake Humane Society greatly strengthening the bond of the United State Navy and the Hampton Roads community. **, **EVALUATION SUBMITTED FOR MEMBER TO TAKE ADVANCEMENT TEST**. It's been a difficult few weeks for the U.S. Navy family. He is an extreme advocate of military bearing and professionalism. Master-at-Arms make sure the Navys regulations are enforced. -COMMAND ORIENTED. Naval records show that these "sheriffs of the sea" were keeping order as early as the reign of Charles I of England. -EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. They are responsible for maintaining good order and discipline among Navy personnel and for providing security aboard Navy vessels and at Navy facilities. MY #2 OF ## HIGHLY COMPETITIVE FROCKED THIRD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! Navy personnel are in charge of providing security and force protection to the Navy. He has my highest recommendation for CPO!!!! Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Alora R. Blosch, Photo By: Mass Communication Specialist 2n, Photo By: Petty Officer 3rd Class Alora R. Blosch, VA Vet Center (Supports vets, service members, and their families), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY NAPLES, ITALY, FROM XXXXXX 20XX TO XXXXXXX 20XX. Navy Masters-at-Arms: A History Of Enforcing Discipline And Maintaining Security Navy Master At Arms Deployments. As CRS-2's Adopt-A-Spot Coordinator, he initiated the Environmental Litter Program, facilitating three volunteer campaigns encompassing five committees totaling 78 volunteers and 312 hours. [37] MCPON Whittet is a combat veteran of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War. MA2 (EXW) Duenas' professionalism, dependability and work ethic sets him above the rest of the second class petty officers. A ship's corporal wore a standard rating badge for a petty officer 2nd class with the star as the specialty mark. MA1 qualified in 4 months improving command readiness with the number of qualified watch standers to support the upcoming deployment 5 months after his arrival to the command. Its a win-win situation if the GI bill passes. As a dog handler, you will search and seize assets for the MWDs while on Navy bases as a law enforcement officer or while on deployment. It is extremely poor medical care (negligent and ineffective medical officers), and it has a negative stigma attached to mental health care. Over three weeks, directed Bravo Team in the execution of 9 combat assault operations, coordinated air support, combat air operations and maintained logistical supply drops for sustained operations. 47). Additionally, she conducted 160 background check and completed 20 incident reports ranging from medical assists to traffic accidents ensuring the safety and welfare of 3,500 civilian and military workforce. Petty Officer Sailor supervised and participated in the inaugural Code Silver Active Shooter exercise with Kitsap County Fire and Ambulance units and all four CITADEL SHEILD/ SOLID CURTAIN Force Protection exercises. Retrieved from the Bureau of Naval Personnel webpage on April 22, 2014. Voted as JEA VP, he coordinated six events generating $1500; his efforts boosted CRS-2 esprit dcor and Junior Enlisted morale. Your LADR is a framework for how to progress throughout your career. Navy Master at Arms deployments In the days of sail, the master-at-arms were truly "masters at arms. He assisted in planning and executing of 1 retirement ceremony where he was the special guest speaker. As Dept. It is out of touch with reality for leaders to be unaware of what is actually going on in junior ranks. MILPERSMAN 1440-010 (para. Responsible for the maintenance and placement of 42 small arms, 9 CSWs, and 10,350 rounds of ammunition with ZERO discrepancies. Additionally, she aided in coordinating 2 MWR tours, increasing the morale 75 Sailors on board. -SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. Organized and executed seven morale-building events and managed over $10k in MWR funds as the Command MWR Treasurer. Directly contributed to Operation Southern Partnership Station seizing 2,300 kilos of cocaine and 1,600 pounds of Marijuana valued at over $80,000,000.

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navy master at arms deployments