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estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela

Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? With IVF#1, I only got 2-3 mature follies. 43 &37 eggs?! Microdose lupron flare protocol.. Advanced Fertility Care Injection Teaching Videos. I.always prepare myself for the worst news whenever I go in for my uktrasound. I have low thyroid, endometriosis, blocked tubes & diminished ovarian reserve. I just pray it works. Where do we go from here? 3 were mature, and only one fertilized. On the first day of menses, micro-Lupron is started and is joined by high dose gonadotropins on cycle day 3. . I'm reading so much about low stim for DOR and over 40 works better that make me very nerveous about trying high doses. EDD 5/11/14, Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13, Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13, FET #2 --July 2014 BFP! You can read up on estrogen priming (also . 3DT. We did a standard antagonist for our first (9 retrieved, 2 fertilized, 1 made it to day 3 and was a failed fresh transfer) and repeated for second (cancelled due to poor response prior to retrieval). 07/23 - Injection #1 Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. The LDL protocol was initiated with late luteal lupron (0.25 mg daily). 8Cell 1Grade 2Embies. I h, 5/15 I wanted to try this one a while back, but my RE wasn't keen. Called the flare, the microdose flare, or the low dose Lupron protocol, this regimen uses the same medications as the Lupron overlap protocol. I have a quick question for the veterans. Thoughts on different protocols? Did you change protocol? So Im not sure how that changes for you, since you were able to get eggs. Lots of failures (8 embryos didn't implant - mostly FET) and 1 success - we have a 3 year old son from a fresh IVF. Thanks! I am a little concerned that I am supposed to take 300 iu's of Gonal-F. I'm praying this protocol will be successfull for us. Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE. After the 6th negative pregnancy test, they did a "pregnancy loss" bloodwork panel. October '13 Started BCP for December IVF. Anyone have success with this protocol? 1. It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. The most commonly prescribed stimulation protocol in the United States uses BCPs, leuprolide acetate (Lupron) to prevent ovulation, gonadotropins such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) to cause the eggs to develop, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to cause the eggs to mature, and progesterone to Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. Been feeling lonely lately as friends and family are getting pregnant around me (even friends who also struggled with fertility issues), so looking for somewhere else to hopefully find people to connect with. When I picked up my meds today, and the guy told me which to refrigerate, he then quickly said "oh ya, you already know that. Any success stories ? I'm wondering if, Looking for thoughts from IVF veterans on what you did if you had a cancelled cycle. We had 3 failed IUIs- great response, great sperm count, great progesterone, then negative. skin rash, hives, or itching. Has anybody here had an experience with this protocol and was it successful? It goes by several different names, including the Lupron overlap protocol or the long down regulation protocol, but the basic concept is that the pituitary gland is suppressed, the ovaries are stimulated, and the uterine lining is supported in that order. I miscarried the normal. Countless BFN(s) Switch Protocol 2nd Time Around? (My clinic requires ICSI and PGS testing for all patients). Adding Cetrotide. High FSH. My AFC was 7 on day 3. I am not familiar with it, but I will definitely some research. BCP's-Re gave me a pack free First ivf was luteal lupron protocol. 0000009011 00000 n Once down regulation was obtained, the lupron dose was decreased to 0.125 mg daily and gonadotropin stimulation was initiated. Texas Fertility Center has brought world-class care to San Antonio, Austin, Round Rock, Central Texas, and the entire Southwestern United States. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) improves the processes involved in natural sexual intercourse to help you conceive without undertaking IVF. Instead we are doing estrogen priming followed by microdose lupron. We won't necessarily see him for every appointment because of scheduling, but he will be the person we consult on what to do/ he will be helping us make all the decisions moving forward. I am just terrified it will be like my last cycle. You can continue to take oestrogen throughout if you want. The nurses at my clinic are suggesting the following schedule: For my IVF cycle I was on bcps for two weeks. Has anyone used this protocol and had any success? Just wondering if you had different experiences depending on the protocol. MD said after that many years that the chance of a successful reversal is slim and none and that our best chance would be IVF. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Hi ladies just looking for any inspiring stories! Round One Result: Chemical Pregnancy Ipersonally didnt want to put my body thru all those meds again so we just adopted 3 young healthyembryos from a family similar to ours and we are so excited our son will end up with a sibling or maybe two! Thank you. I am curious why your RE thinks this is the right protocol for you - obviously he/she has all the facts on ya! Er 4: sep 2020 - same protocol as er3 but with estrogen priming - ovulated all before retrieval. Then my friend hadsuccess with Micro dose lupron flareprotocol so I asked my dr to put me on the exact same one. 1 transferred and Im 22 weeks. I have an IVF consult in two weeks and although I've got my questions (mostly from the wise women on this board) I'm trying to get more information on 'protocols'. I'm wondering if any Im struggling with responding to meds over 40. 5DT. Going with a microdose lupron protocol for my 2nd, starting on 11/30. What felt "cookie cutter" was that despite my great day 3 tests, RE put me on microdose Lupron flare protocol with 300 units of Follistim (150 twice a day). Get weekly updates on baby and your body. Called GnRH antagonists, these medications work differently than the GnRH agonists like Lupron. In 2018 after 4 rounds of ivf I had my daughter. We did EPP for this last IVF (#4) and it was our best cycle by far. We retrieved 8 eggs and 8 were fertilized. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol at Dominion Fertility (8 eggs, 4 . I go in for a check Thursday am. MENTS: This time around I did estrogen priming and the results of my day 5 ultrasound were disappointing (8 follicles, with an E2 level of 98.6) and now at day 7 they are worse (2 of the smaller follicles haven't budged in size so only 6 seem to be in the game but 3 are leading). were initiated in patients receiving MDF. Good luck for your scan tomorrow! My first retrieval was an antagonist protocol, and we only got one poor quality embryo (3CB). Good luck! I did do both natural start and primed and my response was the same. Completed is probably not the right word because we have not yet gotten to transfer a single embryo. Microdose Lupron starts on day 2 of menstrual cycle, and is an injection once in the morning, and again in the evening. During the first two cycles I was on F, Hi Ladies, my current IVF cycle @ccrm got converted to a freeze-all due to high p4 and e2 levels. 16 22 0000002646 00000 n I am really getting tired of everything and is on the verge of giving up. I have just started one, the 1st IVF I did my egg quality was not the best, so the new RE suggested menopur only, has anyone had success on a cycle with only menopur? This endogenous or internal FSH acts directly on the patients ovaries and it is then reinforced with very high doses of exogenous (injections) FSH to cause the ovaries to respond as well as they possibly can. EPP Antagonist was not a good protocol for me. This treatment protocol is known as a "microdose flare." The initial injections of Lupron stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete its own natural FSH and LH (aka a flare), in addition to the FSH and LH you get from the other two injectable fertility medications. I wont be using birth control, just starting lupron a week after ovulation. Hello all, I need some feedback. San Antonio, TX 78258, 7629 S Staples Ste 106A Next protocol will be micro dose lupron. Hi has anyone done a MENOPUR only cycle? Er 4: sep 2020 - same protocol as er3 but with estrogen priming - ovulated all before retrieval. Only 4 eggs were mature and 4 fertilized with ICSI. Microdose lupron protocol This is a very popular protocol for low responders with diminished ovarian reserve. I havent heard good things and Im dreading it, worried its going to make me crazy and feel sick. Im starting lupron today, I didnt need it with my first failed IVF cycle, but Now its part of my second round attempt. 11F. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I think it was high though, like that. crazy how we have to get creative, huh?? It is used for patients who are "low responders." Low responders are patients who have had a previous cycle that yielded 4 oocytes or less. Stimmed for 12 days and had retrieval on day 14. I was told that it is a quality over quantity protocol, however Bzeety response would seem to negate that. Others involve newer supplements such as DHEA, and still others involve the use of injectable medications such as growth hormone. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You're on your 4th so you should have a lot of good info guiding your RE in this direction For me, I did 3 IUIs with 6 follies initially, then 4, then only 2, respectively, and on IVF#1 I had only 2 follies so we canceled and just did IUI, all of this BFN, and IVF#2 only had ONE follie which we did the ER w/ICSI and it didn't fertilize. Woot woot!! This will be our 2nd IVF. In summary, ovarian stimulation is a very complex process. We started our IVF journey in 2014. me 33/DH 36ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~11 IUIs = 1 m/c (7w4d)IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFNSurprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160Stick Frogger Stick! The use of Lupron has effectively eliminated the risk of OHSS . 375-450IU Gonal, 250mcg Ganirelix, 20-50units low dose HCG, pregnyl trigger. I'm about to start a ton of supplements my nurse suggested to me. Did they give you a plan for your cycle yet? Infertility doesn't go away after the first positive test. It is quality that matters. My FSH is 12. (I did not use a lot of what was ordered.) An EPP for you. Create an account or log in to participate. 1Frostie. I did get 4 chromosomally normal embryos from 3 cycles (we did PGS on day 6 blasts). Thin Lining - stim protocol - suggestions? Like usually day 17 or something. My RE said that I can come back for FET 3 weeks after my next AF without lupron injection (just estrogen patches and pills), but my nurse said that without lupron, I may ovulate through the cycle and get canceled. From what I have read, it is common in women with DOR and poor responders. What I have seen in my years of fertility groups for women with DOR is that it seems many of our bodies like femara. Slow growing/No follicles with Lupron Stop protocol? 2TFR'ed. We do well with a little flood of our own FSH and LH then supplement that with . That is the reason why we are doing IVF. Long time reader, first time poster. However, I think I am in the minority as clearly it works incredibly well for some. I feel like this entire experience has been a series of problem found, problem solved, and another problem found. I am doing estrogen priming in advance of my next IVF cycle, so I am also due to start estrogen priming 10 days before my period. In patients with low egg reserve, this combination may exert . Im currently doing vaginal Estrace (twice a day), vaginal viagra (four times a day), 3 estrogen patches all the time, vitamin e, baby aspirin, and I even started estrogen injections twice a wee, I'm having lining issues and wondering I'd anyone else out there has as well and what your solution/protocol was to thicken the lining. But I'll let you know if I respond better! The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Er 5: oct 2020 - same protocol as er 4- 4 mature eggs, no blasts. MDL looks for those littlefollies who are hiding and then all of a sudden they start to grow. Hi! I have had 3 Doctors want to use Lupron in some form. My husband and I started trying in December of 2015, and when coming off of my birth control, I never got my period. At 39, you still have a good chance. Lupron Depot: May 2013 to August 2013 During a short protocol, Lupron is first introduced during the stimulation phase. Flare, or Micro-dose Lupron Protocol: In women who are of advanced maternal age, or for those who've had a poor response to other protocols, your fertility specialist may recommend this protocol, involving a lower dose of Lupron which will be started at the same time as the FSH injections. I just had my first cycle cancelled last week due to no response and I h, A lot of women on the board have asked me what I have done between IVF#2 and IVF#3 in order to get such a drastic improvement in results (number of eggs, fertilization, and I even have frozen embryos this time - crazy). Does anyone have experience with this protocol? Changing IVF protocols - any success or thoughts? Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251. This seems really high to me. I wrote a post yesterday before I even read up on this type of protocol. I feel like it's always better to go slow & steady. With IVF#2, I got 16 eggs, 15 of which were mature. Only 1 retrieved, which didnt fertilize. Primed with BCP. Need advice. Thanks everyone. Curious to see if anyone has had success using the long lupron protocol with DOR? -High School Sweethearts, about to celebrate our 18th year together. I know everyone's situation is completely different, and we all respond differently to the meds, but I just thought I would ask. I am currently going for my 7th retrieval. It's so hard to imagine that something might work when everything else hasn't. Im 42, have DOR and my AMH is .90. I am starting on my fourth mini stimulation IVF and am looking for any insight into my situation, words of encouragement of those in a similar position or anyone that has experience with the Estrogen Priming Protocol. Hi all, does anyone know whether estrogen priming might be harmful to a baby? Background: I'm 35. Only recently. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. And I followed it up with "And unfortunately, it's not my 2nd or 3rd either." Thanks for all your responses! Have you transferred? 0 Has anybody over 38-40 with DOR tried lupron flare and had success? Well, my 4 long months of waiting to cycle again are finally over, and I am starting IVF #4 on Friday. I don't remember my protocol. GnRH antagonist protocols have several advantages over GnRH agonists protocols. And where there is variation? Rather than slowly suppress the pituitary over 4-5 days like Lupron does, these newer medications, Cetrotide and Ganirelix Acetate rapidly suppress the pituitary in a matter of hours. Wowzers!!! My doctor refunded some costs and wants me to try again. Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. And offer a ivf protocol. Two fertilized and on Sunday I find out how many I am carrying. (Intralipids and Lovenox). If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. After taking a break from infertility to regroup (in which I drank approximately 20 drinks in one evening and was hungover until 7pm the following day, oops), we had out WTF conf call with our RE to go over what happened last cycle/ get some closure/ get a game plan for next time. 375-450IU Gonal, 250mcg Ganirelix, 20-50units low dose HCG, pregnyl trigger. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! At my age of 42, I am praying for more than 7 or 8 eggs and better quality for PGS testing. Bzeety- do you remember if you started on 300 iu's of Gonal-F? I'm nervous that round 2 will go the same way as round 1. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Design: Retrospective, case-control study. Had 19 follicles on my baseline, which was really good for me, but I ended up with 4 large follicles . Non left to freeze --> BFN IVF#5 (April/May 2014): Antagonist Estrogen Priming -Cornell Protocol (Clomid+ Menopur+Gonal F + Orgalutran) Kate's IF Blog. But other doctors have mentioned that it is great for women with DOR. Micro-dose Leuprolide injection (MCDL) is a compounded preparation made from diluted commercially available leuprolide. New Braunfels, TX 78130, 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd, Ste. Hope it makes the difference for you! Er2: 7 mature eggs, follistim 250 iu with ganirelix, no priming. 0000001169 00000 n 0000017584 00000 n The patient is given twice-weekly injections of estradiol valerate (Delestrogen) for a period of 8 days whereupon COS is initiated using a relatively high dosage FSH- (Follistim, Fostimon, Puregon or Gonal F), which is continued along with daily administration of GnRH antagonist until the "hCG "trigger." He's also prescribed microdose lupron, gonal, low dose hcg, and pregnyl. I stimmed for 12 days and only ended up with two mature eggs. This handout is staff as legal aid cannot provide patients with general information. They have me on Follistim, Low Dose HCG, and Ganirellex. Short Lupron (Microdose or Flare) Protocol for IVF. My doctor said he will keep adjusting me based on my scan results. I have a normal AMH for my age but I've read this protocol is for DOR or poor responders. Info about me: I'm 33, DH 31. Reproductive medicine fertility society of . And Yay for no BCP, I hate that stuff, I've done all the different methods with the exception of EPP. Objective: To compare the effect of the GnRH antagonist/letrozole protocol (AL) with the microdose GnRH agonist flare-up (MF) protocol in poor ovarian responders for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Anyone have anything reassuring to say about it? This is is my best response so far as I've never before had blasts to freeze. I do believe the MIcrodose Flare P is the way to go for women older with fewer eggs. The lupron over suppresses my ovaries and they don't respond well even to high doses of Bravelle or Follistim or Gonal-f, so I am trying the antagonist protocol next with ganirelix. trailer How many days do you take menopur for IVF? Doc consult at the end of this month. - Estrogen patch 14 days, prio, Hi all, It helps me keep the tiniest glimmer of hope alive! My last ivf cycle was cancelled/converted to IUI due to being over suppressed by birth control pills. You Will Mother. My blog about IF and loss An estrogen primed microdose lupron cycle is the only cycle that works for my body - we've tried non-primed, clomid antagonist, and standard antagonist, struggling with maturity, fertilization and egg to blast ratio. 0000002919 00000 n After another failed IVF attempt using the Microdose Lupron protocol, my RE now suggests the Estrogen Patch protocol as I am a poor responder. But I 'll let you know if I respond better do not reflect of. 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estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela