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crazy things that happened in 2005

Earthquake struck off Sumatra, magnitude of 8.7 it is the second largest earthquake since 1965. Finally, yes, the biggie. Runners-up: Darfur Genocide, Benazir Bhutto assassination, London train bombings. ( Bird Flu ) H5N1 strain of Avian Flu claims more lives in Indonesia and other countries around the globe. 1 Russia Invades Ukraine On February 24th, 2022, Russia announced the beginning of its "special military operation" against Ukraine and shortly after began attacking Ukraine using missiles, rockets, and airstrikes. Clint Pumphrey The witch trials, sadly, had more to do with petty, vindictive and superstitious accusers who were empowered by low-level local authorities [source: Miller]. 10) People jumped out of cars for the 'In My Feelings' challenge. It was so popular Zac Efron even got a tattoo of the saying on his hand. By the late 1700s, the witch craze was largely over, but not before some 40,000 to 100,000 people had been killed under such outrageous circumstances as those mentioned above. At the time of Glenn's feat, the Soviet Union was besting the United States in the Space Race, having already sent the first satellite and person into space. Thinking he had been cut open, the doctor went into shock and died of a subsequent heart attack. "Mad Jack" Churchill, a British Army officer during WWII, was, At one point, the makers of Pepsi had the. Weve come a long way since. Pope John Paul II, leader of the world's one billion Roman Catholics since 1978, died at the Vatican on April 2, 2005. The Grim Reaper was not kind to 2021, claiming the lives of some beloved titans like Larry King, Alex Trebek, DMX, Norm McDonald, Stephen . The disaster also prompted the creation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. From a deadly pandemic to a global movement for racial justice, the year 2020 . (Oct. 12, 2016), U.S. Department of State. He has 70 point IQ: In "Making a Murderer," Reesa Evans, Avery . It was Powderfinger's year. He started as a ship's cat aboard the Nazi ship Bismarck, which was sunk by the British ship HMS Cossack in 1941. on his bagpipes before being knocked unconscious by a grenade. Oct. 8, 2016. London wins the right to stage the 2012 Olympic Games. One of the biggest problems would be the massive amounts of ash thrown into the air, which winds would carry across the United States. The Guardian. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. It's unclear whether Hemingway involved any actual guano (bird or bat droppings) in the process. Social media has overtaken pornography as the #1 activity on the internet. 8. A Walk to Remember Jan. 25, 2002. Feb 23 Slovakia Summit 2005 begins; George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend - 1st visit of a sitting US President to Slovakia. 28. ajoker40 The medication that led to his death prompted an investigation of Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Nearly three thousand people were killed in the attacks. Might a serial killer strike your neighborhood and endanger your family? Such an eruption would also eject large amounts of gasses like sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, causing a decade-long climate cooling. People began threatening to shoot clowns, and a mob even formed at Penn State University in response to a clown sighting. But there may be something more fundamental. 9. After sacking the city of Antioch in 540 CE, Sasanian Emperor Khosrow I built a new city that looked almost exactly the same and called it "Weh Antiok Khusrau," which, Public Domain / Library of Congress / Via. The British crew found the cat floating on a board hours after the ship sank, took him aboard, and named him Oscar. By 2006, search engine Google purchased the company for $1.65 billion in Google stock. Live Science. The story was unsubstantiated, but copycats soon emerged. So good! 5. Even with superstar closer Mariano Rivera on the mound, the Red Sox were not going to be denied. The Oklahoma City ThunderThe Oklahoma City Thunder quickly became one of basketball's most dominant teams after relocating from Seattle in 2008. 2016. (Getty. Pepsi, the soda company, once had the 6th largest military in the world. Woody Allen (age 56) left his long-term partner Mia Farrow after she discovered his secret affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn (age 21). 2. Runners-up: HD TV, high speed internet, Wikipedia. News of his death, which garnered massive worldwide attention, also revealed a major shift in the news media. While most astronomers weren't actually that worried, a nervous public latched on to the claims of people like French astronomer and author Camille Flammarion, who claimed the poison would smother all life on the planet. The spacecraft was created by the Planetary Society, a non-profit space advocacy group. 7. Jeff Zucker, the Chief Executive of a rival network remarked that, I think Idol is the most impactful show in the history of television. The marriage of The Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles takes place, The IRA announces end to armed conflict and gives up its weapons to independent weapons inspectors, Israeli settlers are forced to leave settlements in the Gaza Strip as part of peace settlement, Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon ending its twenty nine year military occupation, The Disneyland Resort celebrates it 50th birthday, F3 tornado strikes Evansville, Indiana killing 25 people making it one of the deadliest single tornadoes on record, Four Robotic vehicles complete the difficult task of crossing 240km across Nevada's Mojave desert, Indonesia suffers the worst power outage blackout in history with 100 million affected, Lance Armstrong wins a record seventh straight Tours de France before his scheduled retirement, Civil unrest continues in Paris suburbs, President Jacques Chirac announced a national state of emergency, Dennis Rader, the BTK ( Bind, Torture and Kill, ) serial killer, is charged with 10 counts of murder in Wichita, Kan. At long, long, long last, this weird and horrible year is ending. 13. Kennedy had warned Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev not to do it, so when American spy planes identified missile launch sites on the communist island nation, things got tense. The first decade of the 21st century was filled with major news events that include tragic acts of terrorism, natural and humanitarian international disasters, and celebrity deaths. Behind the US dollar, the euro has become the second largest reserve currency and the euro also has the more value in circulation than any other currency. Levees separating Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, Louisiana were breached by the surge, ultimately flooding roughly 80% of the city of New Orleans and 1600 perished. Thus, three people died during an operation that was meant to save one life. October 23, 2001 Apple Introduces the iPod. Runners-up: 2000 Bush/Gore Florida election, 2009 Iranian Elections. "10 Scare-inducing Moments in History" The winner of the first season was Will Young, who has had a modest career since. Watch on YouTube 2. Or maybe you get upset with someone and make a half-joking quip wishing him harm. The Top Ten. Already with a NBA Finals appearance under their belt and recently-anointed MVP on their team, the Thunder have proved more successful than most new franchises. Joe Morgenstern called it the worlds first globalized masterpiece. Source: Newsweek Lots of insane things happened in 2017, and there's probably more in store in 2018. Carrie Underwood won Season 4 of American Idol. It was called just a fad, but others insist that social networking sites have become one of the biggest shifts in human interaction since the invention of the telephone. He was taken to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, but escaped along with a Royal Air Force officer shortly after. Pope Benedict served until his resignation in 2013 and the current pontiff,Pope Francis, was appointed. If you're a 10-year-old reading about these things for the first time: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were like the Prince William and Kate Middleton of our timebut alastheir love burned too bright and now Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica serves as the sole time capsule to remember what romance is, or should we say, was. Interestingly, there are studies being done that argue iPods are making kids more anti-social, because they can turn on their music instead of socializing. Wilderness-survival boot camps recruited participants like never before. Social networking is fundamentally changing the way the world communicates. I almost drowned. YouTube quickly gained popularity as users began to upload and share videos on the site in record numbers. Anne Robinson instilled fear in every Weakest Link contestant. But before you know it, local officials are dragging you off to a witch trial where logic doesn't matter and torture is the preferred way to draw a confession. Even wilder theories emerged suggesting that the comet's gravity might throw off Earth's tides and cause the Pacific to empty itself into the Atlantic. The New York Stock Exchange, which makes its home only blocks away from the WTC, had its largest one day drop in history when it re-opened. The plan was to use the publicity of the act to raise money and have the raft serve as an oceanographic research facility, but unfortunately a tropical storm destroyed New Atlantis in 1966, two years after it was created. What stirred everyone into a tizzy was the new discovery that Earth was actually on track to pass through the comet's 15.5-million-mile (25-million-kilometer) tail. Photodisc/Getty Images In 1944, he was captured in Yugoslavia after the rest of his command was injured or killed by mortar fire. Michael Jackson's death at age 50 on June 25, 2009, led to tributes all over the world. There are now 23 countries using currencies directly pegged to the euro. As the last man standing, Churchill played "Will Ye No Come Back Again?" What about the third death? Before the company's founding in 2006, we had to get through our days without recognizing the 13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum nor the 14 Cats Who Think Theyre Sushi. July 21, 2007 Final Harry Potter Book Released, November 12, 2008 Slumdog Millionaire Released, October 17, 2004 Boston Red Sox Begin Their Comeback. (Oct. 11, 2016), Taylor, Jim. Anesthesia as we know it didn't exist, so patients were awake for the entire procedure, meaning the shorter it was, the better. A crew member almost lost his life in a car accident while driving to the set. The Darfur conflict began in 2003 in western Sudan. 1 Coronavirus Outbreak. Despite the doomsday predictions, however, nothing happened. May 2, 2016. People. "2021 has been a complete blur. Well, doctors and other spectators would often watch these surgeries from the gallery, which was much more up close and personal than medical galleries today. May 20, 2016. Russian President Vladimir Putin. What, then, would happen if there were another such eruption? ThoughtCo, Aug. 31, 2021, Katrina claimed 1,836 lives, and 705 people were categorized as missing. The game was changed. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. President George W. Bush acknowledged he'd personally authorized a secret eavesdropping program in the U.S. following Sept. 11, President George W. Bush signed the new act making it harder for those with large debts to wipe clean their financial slates by declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 7 "New Bankruptcy Law". Certainly, popular culture has conditioned us to fear clowns, with fictional portrayals like those in It to actual events like the serial murders committed by John Wayne Gacy, known in the press as "The Killer Clown." But however much it might feel like it, a pandemic was not the only thing to happen in 2020. Wikipedia. Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall as Category 3 status at 6:10 AM local time near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana with sustained windspeeds of 140 MPH, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 22 foot New Orleans, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 30 foot Biloxi-Gulfport Mississippi, Breaches to 53 different levees in greater New Orleans. When George Floyd was murdered at the hands of Minneapolis police on 25th May, it sparked worldwide outrage at police brutality and systemic racism, and Black Lives Matter demonstrators stormed the streets in cities across the globe. But instead, the heroic Glenn set the stage for the ultimate American space victory: Landing a man on the moon [source: National Archives]. For that brief time, PepsiCo had the 6th largest military in the world, until it sold all of the ships and submarines for scrap recycling. The woman was using her phone in the Olympic National Forest when she fell into the toilet. (Oct. 21, 2016), Shilling, Erik. After the war, he was placed in the Edinburgh Zoo where he lived out the rest of his days until he died at age 21. The U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld refuses the United Nations commission access to inmates at the Guantnamo Bay detention center, Typhoon Damrey strikes China's island province of Hainan killing 16, President George W Bush at the G8 summit tells other leaders he will not support legally binding reductions on carbon emissions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wins a landslide victory on June 25th in Iran's presidential poll, Terrorist Attacks in Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt kill 90, Prisoners go on hunger strike at the US Guantanamo Bay prison camp. What followed was nothing short of mania. We learn that the young man, played by Dev Patel, is not interested in the money, but in finding his lost girlfriend. Today it sells that amount every two days, and more than 500 million iPhones have been sold in total. Tried for crimes against humanity, Hussein was hanged on Dec. 30, 2006, marking an official end to the Baathist regime. The Kyoto Protocol which is intended to cut global emissions of greenhouse gasses comes into effect, without the support of the United States and Australia. Apr 19 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave. Citizens from both sides of the wall uses hammers and axes to smash away at the wall until nothing was left. Updated on July 14, 2019. That wasn't the scary part [source: Weissman]. In the aftermath, entire cities had been destroyed. From somewhat plausible to completely insane, here are some predictions about things people think might . The Guardian. Just two hours later, before the family had been informed of the death, the man's twin brother rode his own bicycle across the exact same stretch of highway. All the hysteria prompted author Stephen King whose murderous clown character Pennywise from his novel It probably contributed to the clown craze to issue a statement calling for people to cool it [source: Carlson]. Here are the facts. He correctly guessed its arrival in 1759, and the comet dazzled the night sky again in 1835. A Concert for Hurricane Relief. Yellowstone continues to be an active volcanic zone, as its numerous geysers and hot springs attest. An African woman leads the World Trade Organization. Natural disasters ensued around the world. Outraged by rising government debt, the Tea Party formed in 2009 and has had considerable success in Congressional elections. George W. Bush starts his second term as 43rd President of the United States. 15. That second-place finisher, Thomas Hicks, was given a mixture of egg whites and strychnine, a poison that is often used to kill rodents or birds, as an attempt at a performance-enhancing drug. Runners-up: Lost, The Sopranos, Family Guy. They scored the tying run, and eventually won the game in the 12th inning. We have been busting out Kevin James' Hitch dance moves since the movie dropped in 2005. 17th March 2004 unrest in Kosovo known as Unrest in Kosovo: More than 22 are killed and 200 wounded. solidsnake4545. "As I walked out [of the President's Oval Office] I thought I might never live to see another Saturday night" [source: National Security Archive]. 4. Game 5 went to 14 innings, and game 6 was decided by just two runs. Hurricane Stan hits Mexico and Central America killing over 1,620 people. Now it's hard to imagine there not being. Hotels and motels were especially susceptible, as travelers spread them from location to location. On Oct. 22, Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine of Cuba in order to prevent Soviets from delivering any offensive weapons. Sea levels have risen 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) over the past century. In fact, there are so many things we've been scared of over the years that it was hard to narrow down the list. It's from this angle a fear of the uncertain that we compiled our list of 10 anxiety-inducing events in history. (Oct. 11, 2016), Weissman, Paul. The largest of these eruptions was the oldest one, which created a volcanic formation known as the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff. 5. The Washington Post. But as the examples above show, these killings weren't some kind of systematic cleansing by the Catholic Church to wipe out pre-Christian religions and the women who perpetuated them. Ah, 2005. The search for the missing and involved over 130 people. Matthew McConaughey was crowned People's Sexiest Man Alive because he's so hot all the time, every year, so why not 2005? And back then, the smart phone wasn't an immediate smash hit, only selling 717,000 during its first quarter, according to Forbes. Here's How We Prepped for the Non-Disaster." Following 8 years of legal wrangling in the courts Terri Schiavo's feeding tube is removed and she dies 13 days later. So what's the big deal? "The Consequences of Climate Change." Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet Washington, D.C., Sniper Attacks Cuban Missile Crisis The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 10: Y2K Perhaps more frightening than Y2K is the size of our old computer monitors. (Oct. 13, 2016), Worland, Justin. Time. 2020 events: Yep, these things all happened in the year from hell. The video-sharing website "YouTube" was founded. But it was the subsequent failure of the levees in New Orleans that made the hurricane a humanitarian disaster. 3. The Colbert Report premiered on Comedy Central to teach us about truthiness and a very justified fear of bears. On June 29, 2009, U.S.forces withdrew from Baghdad, but the situation in the region is still unstable. Who knew reality TV love couldn't last? 4. The world is a strange, surprising place, in ways large and small, serious and trivial. 1 of 10. 6. Of course what happened to him makes his own crimes seem pretty tame. In preparation, the United States spent millions of dollars updating military, transportation and financial computer systems [source: Rothman]. Later, an airplane crash did . (Oct. 10, 2016), Teague, Matthew. He. Katrina roared onshore as a Category 3 storm on Aug. 29, 2005, spreading destruction from Texas to Florida. A freak occurrence involving sunlight reflecting off of high-altitude clouds confused the satellite system, causing it to indicate that there were five incoming missiles, assumed to be American. Having reached the end of the first decade of the new millennium, its time to look back at all the things that helped shape the cultural heritage of our ever globalizing society. Now isn't that a scary thought? So "10/15/1965," for example, would simply be coded as "10/15/65." Ice sheets, Arctic sea ice, glaciers and snow cover are all retreating [source: NASA, "Climate Change"]. Consider this: The Kardashian sex tape didn't come out until 2007. Even if you are a PC, you must admit that Apple was doing something right when they introduced the iPod. How I Met Your Mother premiered its first legen (wait for it) dary. Reddit is full of opinions, some good while others not so much. There were ten simultaneous concerts were organized by Bob Geldof who had run the first Live Aid concerts 20 years earlier in 1985. That nation's leader directed a Japanese firm draw up plans for a floating island to sustain part of the country's population and purchased land on nearby Fiji to evacuate the rest [source: Worland]. That makes it one of the five largest individual volcanic events in history nearly 6,000 times larger than the Mt. Entertainment Television, LLC A Division of NBCUniversal. It has also changed the music industry itself. Coordinates. Feb 23 Vote of the controversial French law on colonialism, repealed start of 2006. Every decade is defined in part by some quirky event or fad. Though telescopes weren't yet strong enough to track its distant progress, everyone expected another sighting in 1910. Jeva Lange. Instead of a traditional press outlet, the celebrity gossip website TMZ broke the story that Jackson died. As various nations suffered the consequences of the downturns, world leaders grappled with how to counter the economic crisis in a unified manner. A young girl discovered a severed human foot in a sneaker in the Strait of Georgia during the summer of 2007. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. Buckle up kid, 2020 is one big rollercoaster of WTF. We all cried a little harder when the world lost Whiney Houston. He didn't have a lot of screen time on the film but he did happen to take things too far when all was said and done. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images, Dina Rudick/The Boston Globe via Getty Images, Thierry Falise/LightRocket via Getty Images. People jumped out of moving cars to perform a viral dance in what was possibly the most 2018 thing that happened in 2018. (Oct. 12, 2016), Clark, Stuart. (Sorry to all the Constantine Maroulis diehards!). We also all laughed a little harder when we found out Zac Efron got YOLO tattooed . (Oct. 21, 2016), Rothman, Lily. By the time the final book was published in 2007, the Harry Potter series had turned Rowling into a billionaire, one of the runners-up for Times Person of the Year, and easily the most influential childrens writer of her era. One decade ago was a wild time in pop culture history. Thankfully, another runner used a knife to cut his pants into shorts. The Olympic was damaged, but made it back to port with no casualties. "Interview with Robert McNamara." Oscar survived that attack as well, and afterward retired to Belfast, where he lived in a seaman's home. Doritos Locos Tacos This seemingly absurd food mashup -- a taco shell made of Doritos -- has been a smash hit, hauling in over $1 billion for Taco Bell since its creation in 2012. Based on the book Q&A by Vikas Swarup, the movie tells the tale of an impoverished young man and his chance to make millions on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? He answers question after question based on chance encounters throughout his life, such as how he knows who is on a US 100 dollar bill. An entire generation grew up along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, reading thousands of pages in a time where most children are watching TV. 2020 is a year where the essential goods section gets wiped clean, while toilet paper becomes the hot new currency in some countries. In the 1960s space technology was viewed as a critical component in the nuclear arms race. "Transcript of John Glenn's Official Communication with the Command Center (1962)." The movement of the seafloor thrust a tsunami in all directions, like the ripples of a stone tossed in a pond. And the cause of all these changes, atmospheric carbon dioxide, has risen to concentrations that are unprecedented in human history. 6th January African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) known as American Civil Rights Movement: Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect in the 1964 Mississippi civil rights workers murders called murders of three civil rights workers. The list is broken into ten different categories, with at least one runner-up listed for each. Soviet Vice Admiral Vasily Arkhipov was on board a nuclear sub near Cuba. The Live 8 benefit concerts are held during July. Despite reassurances from experts, people were worried. An international poll showed an average of 49% worldwide in favor of Obama, while McCain only garnered 12%. The Canadians ended a fifty year hockey drought with a win in the men's competition. Zac Efron had a "YOLO" tattoo. 7. "For us, the single biggest story was the storming of the US Capitol and Trump's attempts to overturn the election results. 12. National Geographic. So good! Cheating, Stealing, and Strychnine. We just aren't wired very well to deal with this uncertainty, and the Great Clown Scare is proof [source: Romm]. You bring some food over to a neighbor who's just had a baby, and the next day the child comes down with a terrible illness. Dire predictions of accidental missile launches, nuclear meltdown, financial panic and airplanes falling from the sky had people building bunkers and stocking them with Spam. Wikipedia. A tornado hits western Kentucky and southwestern Indiana, killing at least 22. Or maybe it was just so the people of Palisade could have a good laugh at the city-folk. Buzzfeed ListsSpeaking of buzz, the media world has been transformed by the rise of Buzzfeed-style lists or listicles. Less than six months later, Jessop was aboard the Titanic, again as a stewardess, when it sank. During a live television broadcast of the siege, the structure housing members of the cult burst into flames. (Oct. 10, 2016), Sheesley, John. Apple saw the flaws of these products and attempted to fix them all. 25 October 2016. It seems amazing that it was nearly ten years ago when the entire world rang in the new millennium with style. 3. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Oct. 5, 2016 (Oct. 10, 2016), NASA. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the new Pope, he has taken the name Pope Benedict XVI, MG Rover, the UK's sole remaining volume producer goes into receivership. Source: NPR 1 . U.S. Geological Survey. Saddam Hussein, Iraq's brutal dictator since 1979, was successfully ousted from power; his two sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed fighting with coalition troops; and Hussein was found hiding in a hole on Dec. 14, 2003. Even the scriptwriter, almost died in an airplane crash, when it was hit by lightning. These were followed by a large scale ground invasion on four primary fronts. Nicknamed the "Yorkshire Witch," Mary Bateman's career began when she pretended to be the go-between for a couple of fake psychics named "Mrs. Moore" and "Miss Blythe." She actually made a pretty tidy living selling potions, fortunes, and curses, but greedy people are never happy with "a pretty tidy living." Twice, the US and the USSR were likely saved from all-out nuclear war by just one person. (Oct. 11, 2016), Miller, Laura. One should always "prepare for the worst and hope for the best". On the line was national pride and confidence in the country's ability to compete with its Soviet rivals. It was also the year when comedian Sam Kinison died when a drunk driver hit his car on a desert highway in California. The resulting changes in rainfall patterns and severe frosts could lead to more widespread crop failure [source: Oskin]. The town of Palisade, NV like many other "Wild West" towns of the time was actually very peaceful and had so few crimes that it didn't even have an official sheriff. (Oct. 21, 2016), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Time: Everything You Need to Know About the 'Clown Attack' Craze. As early as 1705 astronomer Edmond Halley identified its orbit and predicted its reappearance every 75 to 76 years. Stay in the loop: sign up to Out. Patriot Act. We have been busting out Kevin James ' Hitch dance moves since the movie dropped in 2005. Slumdog Millionaire took the world by storm, grossing $377 million. It also won 8 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith hit theaters, and we thought the series was complete. Other times, what you long believed to be a myth is actually fact.From an earthquake-proof cathedral that's made almost entirely of cardboard to an ancient Egyptian mummy with a modern-day passport, this list of crazy . The brush with nuclear war was a wakeup call to the rival superpowers, which instituted a direct telephone line between the Kremlin and the White House as a result [source: State Department]. Runners-up: Hurricane Katrina, Victorian Bushfire, Climate Change. Before the dog could realized what happened, all monkeys were gone and the expression on the dog was like what the hell just happened. Pope John Paul II dies; over 4 million people travel to the Vatican to mourn him.

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crazy things that happened in 2005